Starfire's Legacy Vehicle in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Starfire's Legacy

Through Uncharted Seas, We Sail.


  Famed vessel, renowned for its legendary treasure hauls from distant land  

urrent whereaabouts

mysteriously vanished.  


Its construction and launch took place around the year 1225. The ship has a notable history and has sailed on numerous expeditions, gathering stories and treasures along its voyages before meeting its presumed fate.  


"The Starfire's Legacy," being a renowned and well-equipped vessel, might command a higher price due to its exceptional qualities and reputation. Depending on its size, upgrades, and specific features, its cost could range from 15,000 to 30,000 gp or even more.  


A Gilded Falcon-class frigate, boasting an impressive length of 120 feet (36.6 meters). This measurement encompasses the ship's entire hull from bow to stern, capturing its sleek and elongated design. The substantial length allows for greater stability and increased cargo capacity, making it suitable for extended voyages and exploration across the vast seas of Aetheria.   The beam of "The Starfire's Legacy" is approximately 30 feet (9.1 meters). The beam refers to the widest point of the ship, typically measured across its hull. With a beam of 30 feet, the ship possesses a substantial width, contributing to its stability and accommodating various compartments and facilities within its structure. This size allows for efficient maneuverability while maintaining a balance between stability and agility during maritime expeditions.   The height is approximately 70 feet (21.3 meters) from the keel to the top of the mainmast. This measurement includes the ship's superstructure and the tallest point of its mast. The significant height allows for the unfurling of sails and provides ample room for crew members to navigate and perform their duties aloft. It also adds to the majestic presence of the ship as it sails upon the seas of Aetheria.   Due to its larger size and reinforced structure, "The Starfire's Legacy" may weighs 250 tons. This weight estimation takes into account the ship's hull, equipment and supplies it may be carrying.   Capacity It has a considerable cargo capacity suitable for extended voyages and exploration. Its cargo hold can accommodate approximately 200 to 250 tons of goods, depending on the distribution of weight and the specific needs of the journey.   This capacity allows the ship to transport a variety of supplies, including food provisions, water barrels, trade goods, equipment, and even treasures discovered during expeditions. The flexible cargo space enables the crew to adequately stock provisions for long journeys, conduct trading activities, or transport valuable resources across Aetheria.  


Its size and capabilities, requires a substantial crew to effectively operate and manage the ship. A frigate of this magnitude would typically have a crew complement of around 100 to 150 individuals. This crew consists of various roles and positions, including sailors, officers, navigators, cooks, quartermasters, engineers, and marines for defense. Each crew member plays a vital role in the ship's operation, ensuring smooth sailing, efficient handling of the rigging, maintenance of equipment, and overall functionality of the vessel during its voyages across the seas or through the seas of Aetheria.
Nickname-The Dawnrider
Creation Date1225
Length120 feet (36.6 meters)
Beam30 feet (9.1 meters)
Height70 feet (21.3 meters)
Weight250 tons
Speed14 knots


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