Aetheria The last Guard
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The last Guard

Criminal Activity

15/5 10:00

Having traversed what they believed to be their route of escape, our valiant protagonists encountered their inaugural trial. Despite the tumultuous encounter prior, one of the guards endured, albeit weary and disarmed, rendering him a less daunting adversary than he might have proven. The wretched soul, alas, made a fateful decision to neither align himself with the company nor depart from their midst. Becoming ensnared within the debris-laden segment of the bridge, his shoulder grotesquely dislocated, he met his end under the forceful stomp of one of the group. Unfortunately for Poppy Quickfoot she required rescueing from a similar fate having overestimated her athletic prowess whilst jumping the gap in the bridge. After 3 days in the prison wagon she was not at her peak and had to be rescued from dangling over the torrenting river below. Thus, at long last, they attained their liberty, praying fervently that none would venture forth in search of the vanished prisoner convoy.