Finnegan Tidesworn Character in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Finnegan Tidesworn

Bosun of The Starfire's Legacy Finnegan Tidesworn

Having sailed on the seagoing vessel of discovery Starfire's Legacy Finnegan Tidesworn , a skilled boatswain responsible for maintaining the ship and its equipment, faced formidable storms, monstrous sea creatures, and adversaries seeking to sink their craft to the depths. However, tragedy struck when the famed vessel, renowned for its legendary treasure hauls from distant lands, mysteriously vanished, leaving Finnegan adrift. Separated from his comrades after being swept off deck in a storm, he found himself washed up on the shores of these lands, where the soldiers of the Sanguine cruelly enslaved him to work in their treacherous mines.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Toned but otherwise of average sature for a man of his height.

Body Features

Tatoos from his succesful sailings.

Facial Features

Finnegan grew out his lustrous beard not only to protect his face from the harsh sea air, but to also draw attention from his rather large nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Glorious red locks and beard.

Physical quirks

His hair always seems windswept

Special abilities

He can talk his way onto most boats.   Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception Tool Proficiencies: Navigator’s tools, vehicles (water)

Apparel & Accessories

Never to be seen without his Fishermans knot bracelet trinket

Specialized Equipment

He is a Sailor who in his younger days began on the path of being a Paladin.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to reconnect with his Captain and first mate who he holds in his heart as brothers.   The fate of his ship rests heavy on his sole.   Driven by his harrowing experiences at sea and the enslavement he endured, is now fueled by a deep sense of justice and a desire to protect the innocent. His newfound motivation on land is to seek retribution for the wrongs he has suffered and to bring light to the darkness that permeates the world. With his unwavering faith and his skills as a paladin, Finnegan dedicates himself to fighting oppression, liberating the oppressed, and ensuring that no one else falls victim to the cruelty and injustice he once endured.   He also wonders what ever happend to the paramour in a harbour town whose eyes nearly stole him from the sea.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes drink, maybe a little too much and will never pass up a friendly wager.

Vices & Personality flaws

The Drink


Family Ties

None, though his Captain and First mate were like brothers to him.

Religious Views

As a boy he was trainined in the Holy path. now back on land he sgsin embraces his religion as a guiding beacon.

Social Aptitude

Once an enigmatic young man, he has yet to refind his place in society


a slight lilt of the tongue.

Wealth & Financial state

Flat broke

A skilled boatswain aboard the renowned seafaring vessel "The Starfire's Legacy". With a love for the open sea and a history of facing mighty storms and treacherous foes, His former ship, famed for its treasure-laden voyages, vanishes without a trace.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Lawful good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bosun of The Starfire's Legacy
Date of Birth
12th Stormreach 1243
Far from here
Current Residence
Twin Towns
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

The Journal Entry’s title

I awoke and my head was pounding


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