Beorr the Wrathful

Beorr is revered as the formidable deity of war and conquest among the goblins of Graemarona. He embodies the relentless drive for power, dominance, and the relentless pursuit of victory through cunning and strength. Goblins turn to Beorr for guidance in matters of warfare, raiding, and the expansion of their territories at the expense of rival races.   Beorr is often depicted as a towering and fearsome figure, with crimson skin adorned with tribal tattoos that symbolize battle prowess and dominance. His eyes burn with a fiery intensity, reflecting his insatiable hunger for conquest. He is typically clad in armor forged from dark metals, emblazoned with symbols of war and adorned with trophies taken from defeated foes.   Followers of Beorr include goblin warlords, chieftains, warriors, and those who seek to elevate their status through acts of aggression and conquest. His temples are crude yet imposing fortresses built from stone and salvaged materials, where priests and priestesses conduct rituals to invoke Beorr's favor in battle, bless weapons, and offer sacrifices of captured enemies.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Upright sable hand thats clenched into a fist
Divine Classification
Current Location
Founded Settlements