
The realm of the gods, known as Witvildom, is a magnificent and ethereal domain that was the first to be created. It serves as a sanctuary and retreat for the divine beings, existing beyond the reach of mortal concerns and the tumult of the other realms.  

Geography and Landscape

  Witvildom is a boundless and awe-inspiring plane, characterized by its radiant beauty and serene atmosphere. The landscape is a blend of stunning vistas, with rolling hills of gold, towering mountains of crystal, and vast fields of flowers that shimmer with divine light. Rivers of liquid light flow through the realm, their waters imbued with restorative and purifying properties.  

Architecture and Structures

  The divine cities and palaces are built with materials unknown to the mortal realms, glowing with an inner light. Temples and shrines of all shapes and sizes dot the landscape, each dedicated to the various gods who reside there. These structures are crafted from celestial marble, shimmering gemstones, and enchanted metals, creating an otherworldly and majestic appearance.  

Atmosphere and Ambiance

  The air in Witvildom is filled with a gentle, melodious hum that soothes the soul. The sky is a perpetual twilight, painted in hues of pink, purple, and gold, with constellations that shift and dance in intricate patterns. Time flows differently here, offering the gods a timeless existence away from the mortal coil.  

Flora and Fauna

  The flora of Witvildom is both beautiful and otherworldly. Trees with leaves of silver and gold, flowers that sing softly when touched by the wind, and grass that glows faintly underfoot are common sights. The fauna consists of celestial creatures like luminous deer, majestic griffins, and ethereal butterflies, all living in harmony and adding to the realm’s peaceful ambiance.  

Divine Activities

  The gods engage in various activities to pass their eternal time. Some may walk among the mortals in disguise, guiding them subtly. Others might focus on creating and maintaining the balance of the cosmos. Grand feasts, debates, and concerts are frequent, with gods sharing wisdom and stories from the realms below.  

Sacred Groves and Divine Sanctuaries

  Scattered throughout Witvildom are sacred groves and divine sanctuaries where gods retreat for solitude, meditation, or communion with the cosmic forces. These places are revered, even among the gods, for their tranquility and connection to the primal energies of creation.  

Divine Hierarchies and Councils

  The realm has its own hierarchies and councils where gods gather to discuss the affairs of the universe. The Eternal Council is the highest assembly, where the most powerful deities convene to make decisions that affect the fabric of reality. Each god, regardless of their domain, has a voice in these councils, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect.