Etyx the Giant

Etyx is revered as the powerful and honorable deity of giants in the world of Yunnarah. He embodies the virtues of strength, valor, and unwavering loyalty to kin and tradition among giantkind. Giants turn to Etyx for guidance in matters of warfare, clan honor, and the preservation of their ancient customs and territories.   Etyx is often depicted as a colossal figure, towering over lesser beings with muscles corded like steel and skin etched with ancient runes of power. His eyes blaze with an inner fire, reflecting his steadfast resolve and unyielding dedication to his people. He is typically adorned in armor forged from the hardest metals, embellished with symbols of clan allegiance and the trophies of battles won.   Followers of Etyx include giants of all types, as well as those who venerate strength, honor, and communal values. His temples are monumental structures built into rugged mountains or hidden within colossal caverns, where priests and priestesses conduct rituals to honor Etyx, celebrate victories in battle, and forge alliances between giant clans.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A white gauntlet
Divine Classification
Current Location
Founded Settlements