Hedarr the Maker

Hedarr is revered as the revered deity of craft and invention among the dwarves of Aratika. Known as the Maker, he embodies the spirit of creativity, craftsmanship, and technological innovation. Dwarves turn to Hedarr for inspiration in the forging of mighty weapons, the crafting of intricate machinery, and the creation of wonders that stand the test of time.   Hedarr is often depicted as a stout, bearded dwarf with powerful arms and hands that deftly wield tools of creation and forging. His beard and hair are often depicted as flowing with sparks of divine energy, symbolizing his connection to the fires of the forge and the brilliance of invention. He is typically clad in sturdy smithing attire adorned with symbols of his craft and the intricate gears of machinery.   Dwarves who revere Hedarr include artisans, engineers, smiths, and anyone who works with their hands to create marvels of craftsmanship. His temples are grand forges and workshops where priests and priestesses lead ceremonies celebrating the forging of new creations, the improvement of existing technologies, and the honor of craftsmanship passed down through generations.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

cog with 4 spikes
Divine Classification
Current Location
Founded Settlements