Kyaris the Knowledged

Kyaris is revered as the wise goddess of knowledge and prophecy among the elves of Elvpridom. She embodies the pursuit of knowledge, foresight, and the understanding of the intricate tapestry of fate that weaves through the cosmos. Elves turn to Savras for guidance in matters of strategy, lore, and the unraveling of mysteries that span generations.   Kyaris is often depicted as an elven woman of timeless beauty, with silver hair that shimmers like moonlight and eyes that gleam with an otherworldly wisdom. She is typically adorned in flowing robes adorned with intricate patterns representing the constellations and the threads of destiny. Her presence exudes an aura of serene contemplation and a deep understanding of the universe's secrets.   Elves who revere Kyaris include sages, scholars, seers, and those who seek to understand the deeper mysteries of life and magic. Her temples are serene sanctuaries of learning and divination, where priests and priestesses dedicate themselves to the study of magics, the interpretation of omens, and the guidance of their people through visions and dreams.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crystal ball containing many kinds of eyes
Divine Classification
Current Location
Founded Settlements