Phoena of the Afterlife

Phoena is revered as the solemn goddess who oversees the passage of souls into Drenborough. She embodies the cycle of life and death, guiding departed spirits through the ethereal realms to their final resting places. Her presence is felt most keenly in times of mourning and reflection, offering solace to the grieving and ensuring the peaceful transition of souls.   Phoena is often depicted as a figure of serene grace, with flowing robes that shimmer with hues of twilight and silver. Her eyes are deep pools of wisdom, reflecting the solemnity of her role as guardian of the afterlife. She is typically portrayed with wings that stretch like tendrils of mist, symbolizing her ability to traverse between the mortal realm and the realms beyond.   Followers of Phoena include priests and priestesses who preside over funerary rites, ceremonies of remembrance, and rituals to honor ancestors. Her temples are serene sanctuaries where mourners gather to pay respects to the departed and seek guidance from the goddess in times of loss. Priests of Phoena are known for their compassion, offering counsel to the bereaved and ensuring that souls find their rightful place in the afterlife.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

3 teardrops on a triangle
Divine Classification
Current Location
Founded Settlements