Silvani of the Nature

Silvani is revered as the gentle yet formidable goddess who watches over the forests and the creatures that inhabit them in the world of Alfwizest. She embodies the wild beauty of nature, nurturing the growth of flora and fauna while fiercely protecting her domains from harm. Denizens of Alfwizest turn to Silvani for guidance in matters of harmony with the natural world, preservation of wilderness, and communion with the spirits of the forest.   Silvani is often depicted as an elven woman of timeless grace, with verdant hair that cascades like flowing rivers and eyes that shimmer like emeralds reflecting the depths of the forest. Her skin is kissed by sunlight and adorned with delicate patterns resembling leaves and vines. She is typically garbed in robes woven from living plants and adorned with natural ornaments such as acorns, feathers, and flowers.   Followers of Silvani include druids, rangers, and any who revere the natural world and seek to live in harmony with it. Her temples are sacred groves deep within ancient forests, where priests and priestesses conduct rituals to honor the changing seasons, bless hunting expeditions, and offer thanks for the bounty provided by the forest. Followers of Silvani often participate in rituals that involve dance, song, and offerings of fruits, flowers, and herbs.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Oak Leaf
Divine Classification
Current Location
Founded Settlements