Sir Seth MacAlpine

Sir Seth MacAlpine is a powerful and resilient dwarven cleric known for his exceptional strength and combat prowess. Unlike most dwarves, he is able to wield two shields simultaneously and maintain his position on a shield wall, even when charged by an opposing troop. This remarkable feat has earned him a reputation as one of the strongest dwarves in his realm.   In addition to his prowess with shields, Sir Seth is also an expert with a sword and shield, making him a versatile and formidable fighter on the battlefield. His combat skills are complemented by his strong sense of duty and loyalty.   Sir Seth is closely connected with the Black Company Company, a well-known mercenary guild. Although he is not a member, he is a trusted friend of the guild and shares a particularly close bond with Lash, one of the elders of the Black Company. Both Sir Seth and his wife, Dagny the Blue, are welcomed with open arms by the members of the Black Company, reflecting the deep respect and camaraderie they share.   Dagny and Seth's relationship began on the battlefield, where they first met. Dagny, who admired Seth's combat abilities, began training in melee combat with him. The time they spent together during training and on the battlefield forged a strong bond between them, leading to a deep and enduring relationship. Now, they fight side by side in battles, their teamwork making them an almost unstoppable duo.