Thalene the Beauty

Thalene is revered as the radiant goddess who brings new beginnings and the promise of a new day. Her presence is felt in the gentle warmth of the morning sun, in the bloom of spring flowers, and in the first cries of newborns. She is depicted as a youthful and ethereal figure, her golden hair ablaze with sunlight and her eyes shimmering with compassion and hope.   Thalene is depicted as a figure of ethereal beauty, with skin aglow in a soft golden hue reminiscent of the morning sun. Her eyes sparkle with the promise of new beginnings, and her hair flows like strands of pure light. She is often adorned in flowing robes of white and gold, symbolizing purity and the brilliance of dawn.   Followers of Thalene include farmers praying for bountiful harvests, healers seeking to cure the sick, and adventurers seeking guidance and protection on their journeys. Temples dedicated to Thalene are often built to face the rising sun, symbolizing the goddess's role as the bringer of light and new beginnings.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Road travelling into a sunrise
Divine Classification
Current Location
Founded Settlements