Týr the Wise


Týr, the Wise, stands tall and imposing, his skeletal frame draped in tattered, ancient robes that shimmer with arcane energy. His face gleams with a faint blue aura, hinting at his mastery over arcane powers. Wisps of spectral essence trail from his fingers as he gestures, weaving spells of immense power.   Around him swirls a faint mist of ethereal light, remnants of spells cast long ago and now bound to his immortal form. A silver circlet rests upon his skull, adorned with runes that glow softly with a pulsating light, amplifying his already formidable magical abilities.   Týr's eyes, glowing with an eerie green flame, radiate an intense intelligence and a hint of ancient sorrow. Despite his intimidating appearance, there is a regal air about him, a testament to the wisdom and power he has amassed over countless centuries of study and practice.   In one hand, he holds a twisted staff carved from blackened wood and tipped with a flawless crystal orb, pulsing with arcane energy. At his side hangs a tome bound in dragonhide, its pages filled with cryptic spells and forbidden knowledge that only he dares to wield.   Týr the Wise, embodies both the allure and the danger of magic in its purest form, a figure of legend and dread whispered about in hushed tones by those who know of his existence.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Balanced scales resting on a warhammer
Divine Classification
Current Location
7' 5"
220 lb
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations