Clarion Settlement in Aetherios | World Anvil
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Clarion was founded by family members of Archivists. The Archivists were hunting for history here, but, finding nothing, left behind some members who wanted to settle down. They chose this location for its good fishing and ease of access, though the settlement never grew larger than a village due to its remote location.

Points of interest

The beach at Clarion is smooth orange that changes slightly with the sky.


Clarion is known for its amber beaches as well as a popular trading post for local fishermen. Maybe they have a particular delicacy, like a clam or fish that they are really good at catching.


The buildings are made out of wood, with slightly Viking shapes. They are mostly smaller, one-story buildings with a couple of two-story buildings near the center of the village.

Natural Resources

Fish, pearls, salt
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners


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