Huntresses Ethnicity in Aetherios | World Anvil
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The strong endure. Children are the light which shall carry that strength forward. That is the way of the huntresses. Originally one half of the first children of the world they came together once a year with their brother tribe, The First Men, to conceive children. The sons would be given to the First Men, and the daughters were given to the First Women. They were both warrior people who fought side by side as often as they fought against one another. The war that ended it was the war over the users. Some of their daughters had developed unnatural abilities. When the two sides fought each other again, the daughters were against the users. It became an internal struggle as well as an external war. Both sides were nearly wiped out. The first sons vowed to throw down their weapons and left the first women in peace. The first women became the huntresses and renounced the practice that almost destroyed their people. While they could accept others being users, they would not allow any daughter to become a user. Then came the war with the Arketts. The fallout from that war changed the first daughters. They grew stronger but were no longer able to bear sons. To ensure the survival of their people began to have pilgrimages where they seek out the strongest warriors to give them offspring. If the warrior can defeat a huntress, as they now chose to call themselves, in single combat, then he is worthy. The fallout also made them users and so they forbade any practice of the power. Those who do must go out, cleanse themselves, and then return bearing a child. Until the day they come of age a daughter is trained in the arts of war and diplomacy. To have a child is the greatest honor, and the only way to redeem oneself from the stain of the power that severed their connection with the First Sons
Diverged ethnicities


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