Exandria Geographic Location in Aetherios | World Anvil


"For all the beauty there in, our world still suffers from and ugly threat. If we do not focus on the problem now, then there will be no opportunity to in the future."- Lord Bant

Exandria is a plane ruled by the nation of Axel. For aeons they have experienced endless ages of peace, knowledge, and wisdom; however a hundred years ago and event known as the Ruination occurred. A massive astral storm originating from the Astral Sea had leaked into the plane causing devastation and destruction in its wake, magically corrupting the land. Now the people of Exandria are in a time of crises as those who refuse to abandon their homes face the threat of extinction. For only some of the beautiful landscape that once was remains.  

Variant Rule: Exandria Traits

Celestial Energy. The world of Exaldria thrives off of being a peaceful and wise plane and the magic energies of the plane reflect that. Any creature of Good alignment receives a +1 to to attack rolls, spell attack, spell save DC, and AC.  


Population. 200,000 (60% humans, 10% aven, 10% elves, 10% loxodon, 5% celestials, 5% gnomes)
Government. Axel is run by a royal family, its current lord is Lord Bant.
Defence. Angels protect the surrounding area, small faction of guards reside within the city. A small order of knights known as Order of Old dedicate themselves to chivalry and maintaining peace.
Commerce. The area can range from modest to aristocratic, taverns and stores are abundant.
Organizations. Churches and temples offer sanctuary to any who seek it. The lightning riders are a group that fend off the dangers that originate from the Astral Storm
Axel is a place of peace, order, justice, knowledge, and wisdom. Ancient tradition rules over the lives of those who live here and is enforced as law. Angels are a force of good that continuously protect the people of Axel and guide them to a better future. Monks serve as those who practice and promote religion. Paladins and Clerics heal the people and protect them. Fighters form the knights who actively seek threats to the city. Druids cultivate the lands into rich farmland. Honor and Chivalry are the backbone of this kingdom.  


Axel is dominated by a class system, when you are born you are considered classless. During the childhood of all children they are continuously trained and tested. By the time they reach the mature age of 16 their class is determined for them based on the skills they have presented and will be the role they serve for the rest of their life. Even children of royals have to under go this and royalty is not determined by blood but by skill. Those who show the most promise in leadership will either become a Lord's advisor or even the Lord themselves one day. A lord rules the city under the virtue of the angels carrying out their will under their guidance.  


Due to the way of life presented within the city, major crime is extremely rare. Minor crimes dot the area here and there but are too few to count. Under the watchful eye of the angels and the strong arm of the knights, most crime is snuffed out before it has a chance to even show its head.  


Axel is a kingdom of towering castles, meadows atop rolling hills, vast rich farmland, lush green forests, and many beautiful sights to be seen. Cities are built up rather than out to preserve the natural world around them as much as possible. Large mountains move along the borders of Axel with rivers flowing down them into large lakes . The weather is almost always sunny and is rare to be bleak.  

Axel Adventures

Axel is a great are for adventures that revolve around the protection of the natural world as well as the people of the cities.
A Demonic Pressence (High Level). Although Axel is a place of good, evil will always lurk in the shadows. A group known as the cult of the demon have been working in secret to kidnap lower class people as to not bring attention to themselves. They wish to kidnap enough people to perform a ritual that would allow their demonic lord and his demons to enter the plane and claim it as his own.
Sins of the Corrupt (Low Level). Where there is power there is corruption. Some of the royals have been using their power to their own advantage, only interested in personal gain. The local government needs help weeding out these corrupt individuals.  


Shambala is a region where vast jungles dominate the area. Nature is revered and the those who live here do so atop massive trees or in tiny villages. Gargantuan behemoths have dominion over the land and are looked to as gentle beasts. They are worshipped by the locals of the area. Tabaxi, Minotaur, and Elves live in harmony here and live out relatively simple lives.  


Rainfall is near constant here fueling the rapid growth of the jungles. Vegetation is thick leaving no wide open spaces within. Large vines hang between the massive trees within the jungle. These vines are used akin to roads for easy travel across the jungle. Oversized animals and bugs roam the jungles in search of their next meal. The jungle floor is the most dangerous of the area and the higher you go the more relatively safe it gets. Mountains surround the region making them the only viable way to travel to Shambala.  

Shambala Adventures

Shambala is a place where adventures would revolve around the natural world and the creatures within.
Jungle in Danger. There is a small group from another plane who seek to strip Shambala of its natural resources. Doing so would imbalance the natural world and might have drastic consequences.
Danger in the Jungle. There are ferocious creatures within the jungles of Shambala, from recent events it seems as one has become a hyper lethal alpha predator leaving half eaten corpses in its wake. A creature like this might upset the balance of the region if not stopped.

The Bile

The Bile is an area where the astral storm has already passed over. Death, darkness, and negative energy dominate the land. Demons, Aberrations, and Undead roam the land and are a common threat. Dark necromancers take refuge within the land finding great opportunity within. Creatures that once lived within the area have been transformed into monstrosities. Necrotic magic is abundant within the area raising all who die as undead or spirits. The land has been forever changed by the affects of the Astral Storm.  


The Bile is a vast wasteland where nothing grows. Dark clouds block out the sun 24/7 and lighting storms are common. The land is eroded and it is not uncommon to trip over a corpse. Large jagged rocks fill the mountainous region to the north of The Bile. To the south, dark swamps flourish with monstrosities and hags that lie within. The elves that once lived within the region have been transformed into a twisted form of undead elves retaining a evil form of sentience. They dominate the majority of The Bile's wastes.  

The Bile Adventures

The Bile is a great place to face against classic evils and dark entities.
Army of Darkness. An evil necromancer has been empowering himself using the natural necrotic energies of the area to fuel his rituals. He has been raising an army of undead under his command in hopes to dominate the rest of the plane and put it under his own rule.
Wicked Witch of the South. A Night Hag within the swamps has been causing nightmares for the people of Axel. People have been known to die in their sleep as of late, and its the hag who is responsible. She is collecting the souls of those she kills in order to raise a demon she serves loyally.  

Variant Rule: The Bile Traits

Demonic Energy. Remove any traits given by this plane and replace it with this while in The Bile. Creatures with evil alignment have +1 to attack rolls, spell attack, spell save DC, and AC. Additionally spells from the school of necromancy do an additional damage die.  

The Astral Storm

The storm is constantly moving at a slow pace around the plane, twisting and corrupting everything it comes to pass. The storm is fueled by necrotic magic and is a swirling vortex of dark energy and red lightning. Environments it passes get torn apart and are left to be desolate wastelands. Undead, Aberrations, and Demons seem to naturally follow this storm as they are attracted to its massive source of necrotic energy.  

Variant Rule: The Astral Storm Traits

Corruption. Those within the storm have a chance to receive a level of corruption for every 24 hours they spend within it.
Dangers of the Storm. The storm tears apart all that it comes across. This means that there is a chance lightning will strike creatures within the storm. Use the call lightning spell for this affect.


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