League of Conquerers Organization in Aetherios | World Anvil

League of Conquerers

"For Peace and Prosperity, For Justice and Liberty, We shall fight back the forces who threaten to destroy this world we have come to know, this is our decree"- League Commandments

With piracy becoming organized and no organization presenting the enforcement of law or order, something had to be done. And so the greatest powers combined their forces into one to combat the threat of piracy. These were rich merchants, trading companies, and well off guilds; together with their combined wealth they formed a single powerful military organization known as the League of Conquerers. The League is run as its own separate entity from the powers that fund it but has slowly overtime proven itself to be a force to be reckoned with on its own. The organizations who financially back it, using the League, have slowly been able to conquer a decent portion of ocean in the name of peace and prosperity. However as noble as the cause may seem it is not without its faults. The League is backed by corrupt business owners who seek personal gain and profit. Also being a military organization, all who live under its flag do so abiding by militaristic law and tradition, which can prove to be quite harsh at times. However one thing is for certain without doubt, they seek to end piracy entirely and will go at great lengths to do so.


The main goal of the League is to fight off the threat of piracy. Waters under their rule know little piracy and they wish to extend this to the rest of the oceans. They serve as an army to fight, armed transport for ships, and personal protection for the wealthy organizations that back them. More so they serve as the enforcers for the organizations that fund them, doing any deeds they are told to do. It is their duty to bring order and control at all costs.  


The League has a hostile relationship with the Pirate Syndicate as they are at war with them. The Spears of Triton are not fond of the League themselves as they have a distrust for surface dwellers to begin with. Depending on where you go will change the outlook the people have on the League. The islands outside of their reach can either be fond of them wanting their protection, order, and prosperity they bring while others despise them as they wish to remain a free and neutral people. Same can be said for those already under their rule.

Figures of Interest

Supreme Commander Harkon

Lawful Neutral, Male Vampire
Harkon has proven to be a great warrior, captain, military commander, and leader. With his calm, cool, and collected manner he can easily calculate his enemies next move as if he was playing chess. He is dedicated to his cause and has gone to great lengths to see it through. However he realizes that the one thing holding him back from his goal are the financial ties he has to the organizations who fund the League, as these ties are the leash wrapped around his neck. Slowly and surely he has been planning out a way to take military control over these organizations so that their wealth would be his to use to further the League's cause. But for now he acts as their attack dog, obeying their commands, waiting for the perfect moment to seize control.

General Tulias

Lawful Neutral, Male Chitine
Tulias is the greatest military mind the League has and loyally serves under Harkon. His intellect and strategies are far superior to anyone sailing upon these oceans. He uses unorthodox methods, takes time to research his enemies, understands how people are most likely going to act, and can formulate new plans on a whim. This led him to become one of the four generals within the League. However for all his power of mind he lacks power of strength, as he is not much of a fighter. All this time he spends sitting upon a chair amidst combat has caused him to grow fat but dont let that fool you, his true danger does not dwell within physical means but within his mind.

General Wolfgar

Chaotic Good, Male Goliath
Wolfgar is the brawn to Tulias' brain. He is the greatest warrior the League has to offer and has personally led their forces to victory following the tactics laid out to him by Tulias. However despite the fact they work so close together they are not so fond of one another as their personalities cause them to clash at times. Wolfgar is a man of action and does not like to wait. He rather spear his forces straight into a battle a decimate the battlefield than sit around a war room and talk. However this is flaw, as he can prove to be predictable while acting on his own intuition and does not think far ahead from what is currently happening. However dont be a fool, he is a dangerous warrior still and even if you know what he is going to do next, the tough part is stopping him from doing it.

General Raam

Lawful Evil, Male Human
Raam leads the special task force known as the Pirate Hunters. Instead of taking part in massive battles, which they sometimes do, they focus on bounty hunting, espionage, assassinations, spying, etc. Raam being the best pirate hunter among them. He takes sadistic pleasure in killing pirates and even more so in torturing them and watching them suffer. There is no limit to the extent of agony he will put a pirate through to get information or just for his own sick entertainment. He also takes out any targets that deem a threat to the League, the organizations that back it, or even himself. It is this bloodlust however that can cloud his vision and lose sight of something more important. But it is also this bloodlust which makes him such an efficient pirate hunter and what makes him the only person qualified to lead them.

General Myrrah

Lawful Good, Female Aasimar
Myrrah oversees many aspects of the League that the other generals neglect. Manufacturing of ships and weapons, recruitment, finance, people relations, supplies and resources, colonizing islands, research, etc. She is more likely to be seen at a disk with paper and quill rather than at the helm of a ship with a sword and pistol, but dont let that fool you as she has had her experience in combat. However this does not mean her tasks are not important as they are very important indeed. It is her work that ensures the League can run smoothly and efficiently. She admires Harkon and his ideology and truly cares about the people they rule over, to her the work she does for the League is of the utmost importance.


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