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Dr. Fernand Morrin

Aezon's Father

Dr. Fernand Morrin

When I was a kid I found an injured sparrow on the side of the road. I carried it back to him, crying, asking what we could do to save it. My dad helped me nurse it back to health and taught me about medicine. A few weeks later we were able to release it back to the wild. Shortly after that I told everyone that I wanted to be a doctor like him. Of course they nearly beat me to a pulp for saying such a stupid thing, but I tried anyway.   Turns out I'm not very fit for the medical field. I couldn't retain anything I tried learning, even when my dad helped me. Maybe I should've stuck it out, gone to university like him.  
I think my dad might've been a prodigy. I mean, becoming a doctor as young as he did?

Note: Most NPC articles are written from Aezon's perspective and what he knew of them. Articles that are in first person should be considered from Aezon’s Perspective

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, thin, though healthy. He doesn’t seem to be the most physically adept and wouldn’t win in many fist fights.

Special abilities

...Aezon isn’t exactly sure what he saw, but he swears that his dad used magic to heal someone at some point.

Apparel & Accessories

Dresses nicely, he actually spends a lot of time and money making sure he’s presentable as a professional.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aezon knows his father as a man who studied medicine at a prestigious university and wasn’t someone who grew up in Ashridge... Aezon... doesn’t know too much about his father. Fernand was always removed and busy with work. He moved to Ashridge as a very young man (18 at the oldest) and while Fernand never said it aloud, it was always alluded to that he was somewhat of a prodigy.   After he moved to Ashridge, he quickly met and made friends with Edela Morrin. In his early 20’s, he and Edela married. After only a few short months of marriage, they found baby Aezon and decided to adopt him.   Aezon’s always known him as a compassionate man. He’d heal wounded animals, and teach people any time he had the chance. He was stable, and gentle, and quiet. He listened more than he spoke and had a subtle, but warm smile. He worked as a general physician for many but eventually was roped into caring for some of the wealthy families of Highland Ridge, which caused Aezon to grow annoyed and resentful towards the father that he thought he knew better.   Even when Aezon began to understand that his father took the job to keep the family alive when Edela’s business tanked, Aezon still held on to a bit of that animosity and has a hard time dealing with what he feels is a betrayal of his values.

Gender Identity



Presumably a lot. He went to a prestigious university for medical practice and graduated with his doctorate at the age of 18. Aezon knows not of where.


General physician, personal physician to the wealthy elite, and emergency surgeon.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very high INT & WIS

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Doesn't try to make a profit off of healthcare, sees it as his duty to heal others no matter who they are.

Vices & Personality flaws

See Virtues & Perks.


Incredibly clean cut. Cares a little too much about his personal appearance and hygiene.



Aezon’s “Elliot” accent is heavily based off of Fernand’s and Barrett’s, who both share an accent. (Kinda British, though Fernand’s accent is a bit lighter).   He speaks softly and deliberately. He’s not devoid of emotion but can be a bit monotone. Kinda in a gentle, relaxing way rather than a boring way.


Dr. Fernand Morrin

Husband (Vital)

Towards Edela Morrin



Edela Morrin

Wife (Vital)

Towards Dr. Fernand Morrin




Met in their late teens, married in their early 20s

Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

Despite being an adept physician, he makes little money. (See Virtues and Perks.)
Current Location
Year of Birth
4218 45 Years old
Current Residence
Dark blue.
White/Grey, some brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Thin, lithe.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, he picked up Infernal to help raise baby Aezon whose been spitting the language since infancy. Other languages up to DM.


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