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Kaleb Wilhellmine

Kaleb Willhellmine (a.k.a. Iron Mouth)

"He was always a bit too old for me to fully connect with. He mostly ran around talking... bribing mostly, our little group out of trouble. But when we had a job to do... he is precise and cruel in his wit, and even more so with his blade."

Note: Most NPC articles are written from Aezon's perspective and what he knew of them. Articles that are in first person should be considered from Aezon’s Perspective  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, though still agile. In peak fitness, and generally has been for as long as I've known about him. He's definitely aging, but it hasn't slowed him down much.

Body Features

Scarred and calloused from decades of manual labor and fights.

Facial Features

Long star across his right cheek and bridge of his nose.

Apparel & Accessories

Simple, sturdy clothing that's easy to move in. Typically wore blues.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He's worked odd jobs most of his life; barkeep, farmhand, security guard, ruffian. He's always been a good fighter simply out of necessity. Growing up on the outskirts of Forestcrest will do that to you. Despite that, and unlike me, he's level headed. Even in the highest stress situations he never wavered in is strength as a leader. He kept us together through the roughest of situations. Cunning, clever. Not very well-read, but certainly a genius of navigating streets. I feel like I remember him mentioning being to other, much larger cities in the past. Maybe he picked up those skills there.   I've always looked to Kaleb as a sort of distant uncle. When we first met, he had finished paying off some prying eyes from the encounter that introduced me to the rest of Hollowguard. I could tell he wasn't sure about me at first. I don't think any of them really were. But when I eventually assimilated into the group, it was clear that he treated me like anyone of the rest of us... in a sort of Fatherly way.   Kaleb has never particularly stood out to me. We weren't close. I could tell he cared, but he kept his distance. Brendryn Cinderstone was his closest friend in the group, other than his brother Erwan Wilhellmine, he took to Trevor Rockwind too, but maybe that's because he saw him as someone who needed more help to get along with us, or maybe because Erwan and Trevor were such good friends.   The first blade given to me was by Kaleb. He asked Brendryn to forge me a saber, not too unlike the blade I use now. Of course, I ended up breaking it and the both of them nearly killed me. Kaleb has never been scary to me in an "I'll beat the shit out of you" way but in an extremely quiet and calm kind of way. It was unsettling to see someone's eyes become so dark while their faces band bodies remain completely relaxed. Brendryn... is another story.

Gender Identity



It's fairly clear that he's not as well-read as his younger brother, though his formal education is unknown to me. Despite is apparent lack of book smarts, he's still one of the wisest men I've met.


I've seen Kaleb assist my father, my mother, Brendryn, and random merchants and Farmers from around Ashridge throughout my life. He's done every odd job, Gods, he may have been a hired assassin at some point.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He definitely built up a reputation for himself and the rest of Hollowguard. He's pretty damn good as a PR manager if anything. But he's done a lot more than that. Back when we chased after those kidnappers, he dragged a half-dead Trevor Rockwind out of battle while he had a dagger and a half a dozen arrows embedded into his flesh.

Failures & Embarrassments

He's never really opened up, to me at least, about and of these.

Mental Trauma

I'm sure he didn't do too well when that last Raid happened. I'm not sure how he's doing now. He's so strong-willed and prideful I'm not... so sure...
Current Location
Date of Birth
6, 9th Month, 4227
Year of Birth
4227 36 Years old
Rich Dark brown
light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light medium
200 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Speaks, reads, and writes Common. Not sure about other languages.


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