Court District

Calling the Court District the smallest district of Grand Soren would be naive. While the Court District constitutes the smallest portion of Grand Soren, virtually everything in the Trade District and Common District are beholden to this prestigious district. The Court District consists of the Republic of Soren's greatest minds and prestigious leaders and politicians, including Executive Councilor Orthmald Ealbon. The Court District manages all foreign and domestic, political and economic issues, and is charged with maintaining the Republic of Soren's influence over its territory and the world of Afarand itself.   The Court District consists of the most exquisite and ornate architecture of Grand Soren. Many areas of the Court District are sectioned off by large walls, almost creating a city sized fortress. In the center of the district, the High Court maintains the city and executes its functions from the massive keep constructed long before the rest of Grand Soren's walls were raised. This keeps upper towers are also home to the Soren Institute of Alchemy.