
Hailing from the mountainous areas of Boldash'Nor, the Dwarves of Afarand are in industrious race that has no patience for bureaucracy. Their history is strife with conflicts and near extinctions from the constant threat of Orc invasions, all taking place while hundreds of Dwarven and Gnomish clans vouched for power and leadership over the realm. After thousands of years of turmoil, the Dwarven Kraghammer clan waged a campaign to subjugate the other clans with the goal of utilizing the clans against the Orc menace. The imminent Orc invasion was staved off, only momentarily, but long enough for the Dwarves to realize that a strong leader and rigid political structure was needed for their continued existence. Thus, the Dûn'Kharak Empire was born. Many Dwarves find comfort in the strict rules and regulations of their society and pride themselves on their brutally efficient political and economic policies, while Gnomes could care less who has power over them as long as they are not handicapped by bureaucratic affairs and regulations. Dwarves tend to travel all over the Eastern reaches of Afarand in search of business prospects, trade agreements, or industrial opportunities. The Dwarves are closely tied with their Gnomish friends and comrades that live among them, whose scientific and magical aptitude provides vital benefits that offset the Dwarves conservative nature.
  The Dwarves and their Gnomish counterparts are united under Emperor Urkhul Kraghammer, and the Dûn'Kharak Empire, formerly the Kraghammer clan, a fascistic clan turned empire that has brought wealth, prosperity, and security to their homeland.
  A Dwarf players place of origin is usually Boldash'Nor, or Grand Soren