
Halfling's in Afarand are a mischievous and resilient race that idolizes exploration and the arts. Thousands of years ago, a massive coup of Grand Soren and many other governments throughout Afarand planned by the Halfling Government's "College of Whispers" damned their race into servitude. Due to the Halflings trasngressions, they were indebted to the Republic of Soren for a period of no less than 200 years. The Halfling's first station was to be the colonization of the frigid wastelands of Kiojafell. Over many years of shared suffering with the Nordborne, the denizens of Kiojafell united and became independent from the Republic of Soren, creating the Northern Confederacy and forming its Northern Council of Elders. More recently, the transgressions of the College of Whispers and its people have been paid and long forgotten, and Halflings have returned to venturing out to explore the world and create great works of art, but are finally able to consider Kiojafell to be their "home".
  Halfling's hold positions in the Northern Council of Elders who are the governing body of the Northern Confederacy. Halfling's are very close to the Nordborne and continue to work closely with them to ensure the security of their new home.
  A Halfling players place of origin is usually Kiojafell, or Grand Soren