Jiǎng Chen Lu

Born on Mars to rich parents, Chen Lu attended one of the elite schools of the colonies. Until she was 18, she knew only the civil war, even if the battles never reached Mars, but a certain fear shaped this time. After she had finished the coledge she started to work full-time in politics. Already as a student she was involved in the Liberation Party and after her graduation was gladly introduced to the work there. The Liberation Party was founded just during the war times, but managed a rapid rise and was at the time of Chen Lu's entry one of the most influential parties of the colonies. Chen Lu's ambition and engagement for the party earned her a ministerial post at the early age of 36. She then held high ministerial posts for a long time until she was elected as President for the first time in 2226 and has held this post since then.

Mental characteristics


Law degree from Clinton Coledge, New Tokyo, Mars.


Assistant in the lower ranks of the party | Member of regional committees on Mars | Employee of ministerial offices | Minister of Justice | Secretary of the Treasury | President of the Colonies

Mental Trauma

Slight paranoid traits through the wartime in the early years of life.

Intellectual Characteristics

Good knowledge of laws | negotiation skills | good speaker

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

patient | cunning
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
2169 74 Years old
Saint Anna Hospital, New Tokyo, Mars
short, black
1.64 m
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Mandarin | English | Russian | French


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