Loyal Colonies

The loyal colonies are the direct successors of the Colonies of Earth. They are those colonies that did not turn away from the Mars Command during the rebellion and remained loyal to the government.


The Government Council

Head of Government



Vice President


Secretary of Defense
Secretary of Internal Affairs
Secretary for External Affairs
Secretary of Economics and finances
Secretary of Justice
Secretary of Health
Secretary of Transportation
Special Advisors


Governors of the Sectors

Local Governments (Planets)




Defense Adjutant
Chief Justice
Health Adjutant


When rebellions broke out in 2153, the Mars Command tried to fight them militarily. But after the Colonial Navy lost it's first battle, many dissatisfied citizens were encouraged to join the uprisings. After that more and more colonies broke off and formed the confederation of the separatists. The remaining colonies then began to call themselves the Loyals and later the Loyal Colonies.
They mobilized their forces and went into war against the "traitors". After the lost war, they kept the name.


The military of the Loyal Colonies is composed of several departments with the supreme command being the general staff in the Mars Command.
The most important department is the Space Navy with the fleets and space stations, distributed throughout the territory of the colonies. The Space Marines for landing operations and boarding commands are subordinated to them as special forces.
The Sol Defence Fleet is part of the Navy, but as the last line of defence it reports directly to the High Command.
Two separate departments are available for ground combat.
The Colonial Defence Forces with ground troops and orbital facilities to protect the individual colonies, as well as the Colonial Army, which is responsible for landing operations and attack missions in the event of war. In addition, there are the Praetorians, who report to the army as a special task force.

Foreign Relations

After the Civil War, the Loyal Colonies had to accept new autonomous states formed out of the Separatist Confederation.
Although there was still a deep grudge against the traitors in the population, the Mars Command gradually succeeded in establishing diplomatic relations with most of the new governments.
Although they have no real friends, they have been able to keep the peace and at least make a few advantageous agreements.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, State
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
The Loyal Colonies have taken over the payment system of the old colonies with the chip cards. But the currency was renamed into Colonial Credits.
Legislative Body
The government of the Loyal Colonies is the Mars Command. It houses the Government Council and the Military High Command.
The president of the colonies leads the government council and the ministers.
Judicial Body
The 11 judges of the Supreme Court form the highest instance of the legal system in the Loyal Colonies. The courts at sector level, system and planetary courts as well as the courts of individual provinces on larger colony worlds are subordinate to them.
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories


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