Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Afterlight | World Anvil


In the world of Afterlight, magic exists as a closely guarded secret, hidden from the public eye. Drawing inspiration from both traditional Dungeons and Dragons magic and Lovecraftian mysticism, magic in Afterlight is an enigmatic force that few are aware of, and even fewer can wield.   Magic is primarily wielded by practitioners with an innate connection to the supernatural, such as sorcerers, witches, and those who have undergone mystical awakenings. These individuals can tap into the raw energies of The Nether, a mysterious alternate dimension that parallels the waking world. The Nether serves as the source of magic in Afterlight, connecting various realms and dimensions together.   Spells and rituals involve manipulating the arcane energies of the Nether to achieve supernatural effects. Magic can manifest in a variety of ways, from casting illusions and manipulating elements to communing with otherworldly entities and harnessing dark and mysterious powers.   While the existence of magic remains hidden from the general populace, various secret societies, cults, and magical orders exist in the shadows, each with their own agendas and ways of harnessing the arcane. These groups often vie for power and control, seeking to exploit the hidden forces for their own purposes.   However, the use of magic comes with risks. Drawing too much power from the Nether can attract the attention of malevolent entities, and meddling with forbidden spells or dark rituals can have dire consequences. The line between magic and the supernatural is often blurred, with practitioners encountering creatures and forces beyond their understanding.
Metaphysical, Arcane

Articles under Magic


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