Attributes & Skills


There are a total of six attributes. Brawn, Dexterity, Stamina, Intelligence, Awareness, and Charisma. These six attributes represent your core character and their basic abilities.

Determining Attributes

All attributes begin at zero. You have a total of 6 points to spend among your attributes. You can also decress any attribute to a negative number, to the lowest of -3 to gain points to spend on other attributes. No attribute can be higher than 3 after asigning your points. At later levels, the total maximum for all attributes you can have is 6.


Brawn determines your physical strength.


Dexterity determines your accuracy and balance with abilities.


Staminia represents your health and physical resistance


Intelligence represents your characters knowledge and thinking abilities.


Awareness represents perception and insight into others.


Charisma represents your social skills and self confidence.

Additional Attributes

There are additional attributes which require the six originial attributes to be determined before these can be calculated. These attributes are, Health, Initiative, Movement Speed Bonus, and Prowess. For all of these attribtues, round down when determining the numbers.


Health is equal to 20 + Stamina
Health represents how much damage you can take before dying. If you reach zero hit points or less, then you fall unconcious and enter the Dying State.


Initiative is equal to (Dexterity + Awarenes)/2
Initiative determines your characters readiness and reactiveness. Whenever you would get into a fight, you Roll for Initiative to see who can act first.

Movement Speed Bonus

Your Movemeent Speed Bonus is equal to 5ft per every two points of Brawn.


Prowess is equal to (Dexterity + Stamina)/2. Your prowess cannot be lower than a total of 1.
Prowess is used when determining certain attack rolls or evasion rolls in combat. You have a number of D6 prowess dice equal to your total prowess. You're able to add these dice to Attack rolls and Parry rolls.
Prowess Recovery
Your Prowess Recovery is the score required to beat whenever you regain prowess dice. Recovery is +5 but can change as you gain new abilities.
Prowess Bonus
Your Prowess Bonus is additional prowess dice you regain whenever you reroll prowess dice. Your Bonus on it's own is 0, but can change as you gain new abilities.


Whenever your character is targeted by some sort of dangerous effect, including attacks, traps, poisions, or magic, your character will need to use one of their Resistance Attributes. Unlike other attributes, these Resistances also fuction like skills, with the ability to invest Levels of Proficiency into them.

Resistance vs Damage

When making a Resistance check, you make a skill check like normal. However, if a Resistance Check would be made directly against an effect that deals damage, the following rules also apply. This only applies to effects that would deal Half Damage on a failed check.
  • 10 or Higher: If you succeed on a 10 or higher on the Resistance check, you ignore all half damage and any other forms of damage as well as any conditions.
  • 10 or Lower: If you fail on 10 or lower on the Resistance check, you suffer a Critical Hit.


Your Evasion Score is equal to (Dexterity + Awareness)/2
Evasion is your character's ability to dodge attack rolls and jump out of the way from deadly fireballs.


Your Strength Score is equal to (Brawn + Stamina)/2
Your Strength score is your character's ability to withstand great physical punishment.


Your Resolve Score is equal to (Intelligence + Charisma)/2
Yoyr Resolve Score is your character's ability to resist mental effects such as fear.


Your Immunity Score is equal to (Stamina)
Your Immunity Score is your character's ability to resist disease, poison, and other biological ailments.


Skills are the basic bonuses to ability checks that your character can specifically be trained in. As your character levels up, they will get to add levels of proficiency to the skills their characters has.

Making A Skill Check

All Skill Checks work the same, including everything from Acrobatics, Persuasion and Attack Rolls. Whenever you make any sort of Skill Check, you do so By Rolling 1d20 and adding your Total Skill Bonus. Then, the Game Master determines if your roll was High enough to succeed on whatever task your character was taking out.

Total Skill Bonus

Your total Skill Bonus for all skills is always equal to (Attribute + Proficiency Bonus).
Attribute. The Attribute will always be whatever Attribute is associated with the skill, such as Brawn for Melee attack rolls. So if you have a Brawn of 3 then you add three and your PRF Bonus to the roll.
Proficiency Bonus. For every skill your character has, they have a Proficiency level for it. In most cases, it might be 0, in which case you add nothing. But for example, if you have 1 level of PRF in the Sword Weapons Skill, then you and the Bonus of +2 to the Total Skill Bonus.
Adding it up. So, following with the previous examples, if your Brawn is 3 and your Proficiency Bonus is 2, then your Total Skill Bonus for Sword Weapons is equal to +5. Following this Logic, you can apply this same method for every other Skill Check.

Proficiency Table

The proficinecy table is a detailed table for the PRF level, bonus, and tier.

Proficiency Bonus

Proficiency Bonus is added to all dice roll for the skill that is being used. So for Example, if you're making an Strength (Brawn) check to knock down a barred door. You'd roll a d20. Then if you have any levels of Proficiency in Strength, you'd add the Bonus from the PRF level towards your roll, along with your bonus from Brawn.

All Skills

Every skill is broken up into a category based off of the base attributes. Whenever you need to determine the bonus for a skill check, it will always be equal to the Profiency Bonus + The associated Attribute.
Athletics. Your ability to swim, run, and other cardio based exercises.

Acrobatics. Your ability to balance and move with grace.
Sleight of Hand. Your ability to use hand eye cordination.
Stealth. Your ability to hide and remain hidden.
Endurance. Your ability to resist pain and physically demanding tasks.

Investigation. Your ability to search through an area for specific items or clues.
History. Your knowledge of historial events.
Culture. Your knowledge of people and their lifestyles.
Technology. Your knowledge of technology.
Magic. Your knowledge of the arcane arts.
Nature. Your knowledge of the natural world.
Medicine. Your knowledge of human health and how to treat it.
Animal Handling. Your ability to interact with animals.
Insight. Your ability to percieve someone for their true intentions.
Sight. Your ability to see.
Smell. Your ability to smell.
Hearing. Your ability to hear.
Tracking. Your ability to follow a trail and track a target.
Persuasion. Your ability to convince someone of someone.
Intimidation. Your ability to frighten someone into doing what you want.
Deception. Your ability to hide the truth from someone.
Leadership. Your ability to command respect and authority.
Performance. Your ability to sing, act or perform comedy.

Natural Talent

Some Skills you have might have conditions attached to them that have Natural Talent. Whenever you would make a skill check that would allow you to use Natural talent, you roll additional dice to the bonus. Depending on your level, you add a different bonus to your rolls from your natural talent skill.


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