

When affected by events, characters can gain certain conditions based off of types of attacks, magic, or obstacles. Here's a complete list of all Conditions.


Your character is inflicted with loss of eye sight. While blinded, you have the following penalities.
  • A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight.
  • Attack rolls against the creature have flanking, and the creature’s Attack rolls have-4 to hit.


Your character is entralled by another through magic. While charmed, you have the following penalities.
  • You cannot directly act hostile towards the target who charmed you or anyone they openly consider an ally.
  • The charmer has +4 on all Persuasion and Deception checks agains you.
  • If the person who charmed you or one of their allies would act openly hostile, such as attacking you, or persuading you to hurt yourself, the effect ends.


Your character is struck with an uncontrolable rage. While enraged you gain the following.
  • You can only take the Attack Action on your turn or cast spells that deal damage to enemies, and must attack the closest target to you. If there's multiple targets, choose one at random.
  • If there are no targets to attack within your reach, you must take movement actions until you can reach a target to attack.


While frightened, your character is overcome with terrible dread and fear. As long as you're within the source of your fear, you have the following penalities. In addition, while your character is Frightened, if another spell or ability would cause them to become Frightned again, they instead become Terrorized.
  • As long as you're within the source of your fear, you have -4 on checks.
  • If the source of your fear is a creature, that creature has flanking on all attack rolls against you.


Your character's fear becomes more than they can bear and worse than simply Frightened. While Terrorized, you have the following penalities.
  • You suffer all the previous penalities of the Frightend Condition.
  • On the start of your turn, you must use all of your Action Points to move away from the source of your fear as quickly and reasonably as possible.

Grappled Condition

While Grappled you have the following conditions.
  • You cannot take the Movement Action and your movement speed is 0ft.
  • You have -4 on all attack rolls against targets other than the target grappling you
  • You cannot regain prowess dice.
  • You have -4 on all Brawn and Dexterity checks, except against the target grappling you.


You are infected with toxic chemicals, while Poisoned you gain the following traits.
  • You have -2 on all ability checks.
  • At the start of your turn, you roll 1d6. On a 5-6 you are staggered until the start of your next turn. 


While Prone, you have the following conditions.
  • Whenever you take the movement action, you can only move at half the movement speed, round down.
  • Your Guard is considered Broken whether or not you have 0 Prowess Dice.
  • Your Armor gains the Vunerable Trait. Check Medieval Armors For more information.
  • You have -4 on all ranged attacks and melee attacks, unless the attack is made with a weapon that has 0.5ft of reach or less.
  • Attacks against you have +4 to hit.

Guard Broken

Whenever you would be reduced below zero prowess points or be unarmed, you are considered to have a broken guard. While your Guard is broken, all attack rolls against you automatically deal a single Critical Hit. In addition, when you first become Guard Broken, all adjacent targets who can reach you, may make an Attack of Opportunity against you.


Exhaustion occures when your character looses energy and is unable to rest or eat. This happens when a character goes a long time without sleeping, eating, or commits to physical and mental actions for too long. Whenever you would take a long rest, you lose a level of exhaustion. You can have a total of ten levels of Exhaustion, if you gain any more levels, you instantly die.
  • For every level of Exhaustion you have, you have -1 on all Dice Checks.
  • For every Two levels of Exhaustion you have, you have -1 Action Points.
  • If you gain more than Ten levels of Exhaustion, you instantly die.


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