Playable Species


Human's are humans. They're hairy fleshy creatures with skin ranging from pale to dark brown. Most commonly being tan or brown. They're known for having strong familial bonds either with biological family members or those who've they've grown close with over many years. Humans generally settle down with a single partner in their life time who they may have a family with, producing several offspring with.

Human Statistics

Attributes. Humans have +1 to two different attributes of your choice.
Size. Humans are medium creatures.
Language. Humans speak one human language of your choice.
Skilled.Humans gain a level of PRF in two different skills of your choice.
Versatile.Humans have an additional 3 Feature Points to spend when they start.


When the bombs fell and the world was destroyed, the Dwarves almost didn't notice. The dwarves are a short and stocky people who spend their lives deep in mountain homes. They are prominent miners and craftsmen. However, in the old days, they roamed the surface world like the rest of the races, however, through hardship and constant harassment from humans and orcs, the dwarves slow fled away from them, to live in comfortable homes beneath the earth where the other races could not attack them. The early days were hard, survivng solely on roots, cave moss, and insects. Many died, but the dwarven race survived. They found new sources of food, such as the Domesticated Cave Crawler. Some were more fortunante, able to raise mountain goats and cattle for livestock as well. Dwaves, with all the digging they do, have created fortunes of wealth with gold, iron, copper, and precious gemstones. They've learned how to forge these metals together and heavily practice the art of smithing. Dwarves are said to be one of the most skills smiths in the world.
To the Dwarves, family is everything. Now what exactly family might mean to one dwarf or another can vary greatly depending on region and culture. Either Clan, Guild, or their biological family. Dwarves will hold long detailed histories of their families and all their actions and actions for or against them. They believe that a crime commited by one of their own, is a crime they're all responsible for, and vise versa. If a father steals something from many years ago, it's not uncommon for their own grandchild to have to repay the price. Being so close to their families, Dwarves will rarely depart far from them, giving them isolationist ideologies.

Dwarf Statistics

Attributes. Dwarves have +1 to either Brawn or Intelligence, your choice, and +1 to Resolve.
Size. Dwarves are small creatures. They have -2 to health but +2 to Evasion rolls.
Language. Dwarves speak one Dwarven language of their choice.
Dwarven Craftsmanship. You gain a level of PRF in one set of tools of you choice.
Stount Stature. Dwarves count as medium size when rolling for or against Brawn checks against another target.
Fearless. Dwarves have a Natural Talent for Resolve checks against fear.


Grelks are a small creature known for their hyper personalities and creative minds. They are short, toad like amphibian creatures with humanoid qualities. Grelks are highly social creatures that put many values on the ideas of community and the idenity of a town or village. They often eat dinner with the whole town for a single day and have many holidays based around foods. In some cultures, Grelks will hunt a great game and use it to feed the whole town for a festival for a single day. Grelks also have a much more importance on the idea of food as a need, but also a luxury. It's said Grelks have four times as many taste buds as humans.
Unlike most other sexual creatures, Grelks have very low sex drives. As it only takes a few grelks in a single community to keep the population at positive levels, generally only a few grelks will opt for mates as most grelks have little desire for anything more than friendship. In an average Grelk colony, only about a third of the grelks required will be needed to reproduce. In some cultures, this is seen as more of a job rather than a father or mother role. The ideas of parents are often blurred as most adult Grelks will raise children, even if they're not related by blood.

Grelk Traits

Attributes. Grelks have +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, and Awareness, but -2 to Strength.
Size. Grelks are small creatures. They have -2 to health but +2 to Evasion rolls.
Language. Grelks speak one Grelkish language of their choice.
Poisonous Glands. Grelks have poisonous glands in their mouth. Go to Diseases and Poisons for more information.
Amphibian. Grelks can breath underwater as easily as air and have a swimming speed equal to their movement speed.
Adhesive Digits. Grelks have Natural Talent when it comes to Athletic (Brawn) checks for climbing.

Half Dwarf

Half Dwarves are Half Dwarf, Half Human. They're someone who shares the upbringing of both worlds. They often have the stocky features of dwarves, with the height of humans. Although they're generally not as tall as most humans, only being a few inches shorter, than average. Their stocky features often make them standout among other humans while their height and often not as thick facial hair reveals them to other dwarves.
Half Dwarves can often be conflicted as it's dwarven nature to have strong familial ties while most Half Dwarves are bastard born and rejected from their families. Those raised in primarily human house holds may often feel disconnect as humans generally believe in more freedom from their family as well. Any half dwarf seeking more relationships there will often be disapointed. This will lead most Half Dwarves to venture out for new families, such as guilds, priesthoods, and mecenary companies.

Half Dwarf Traits

Attributes. Half Dwarves have +1 to Brawn and +1 to any other attribute of your choice.
Size. Half Dwarves are Medium Size creatures.
Language. Half Dwarves speak either one human or dwarvish language of your choice.
Fearless. Half Dwarves have a Natural Talent for Resolve checks against fear.
Born of Two Worlds. You gain a level of PRF in Culture and Insight checks.
Brute Strength. Whenever you would make a Strength (Brawn) check. If the die you roll, before adding modifiers, is less than or equal to your Brawn score. You can reroll that. You can use this ability once per check.


To outsiders, the Orcs are a race of blood thirsty cannibal monster who delight in violence, chaos, and destruction. But to the orcs, they are a people of passion, life, and death. And Orcs death is not something to cry over, but a celibration of new life, for when an orc dies, his soul is returned to the earth to be born again. Many orcs do practice cannibalism and will partake in ritual consumtion of their own family when they die, as to preserve their soul in death. For some Orcs, it's believed that when they eat the corpse of another they absorb their soul and their future generation will be born with their soul. For others, the consumtion of flesh is a utilitarian desire to preserve and use as much of their resources they have.
Unlike humans, Orcs do not believe in the ideas of marriage, but instead opt for polygamy. Most orcs will take on multiple partners in their lifetime and give way to many children. This gives mothers much more prominence while the ideals of fatherhood are much more uncommon. This also gives much more complexity to Orcish family trees and their own laws of inheiritance, which vary much more often. Since orcs have little care for romantic relationships, they're indifferent to gay or lesbian lifestyles, although they might look down on Asexuals.

Orc Statistics

Attributes. Orcs have +1 to Brawn and +2 to Initiative.
Size: Orcs are medium creatures.
Language: Orcs speak one orcish language of their choice.
Improved Blood Cloting: Medicine checks to treat bleed on an orc have a -4 lower DC to beat.
Brutal Might: Whenever an orc would Deal a Critical Hit on an attack roll, They roll the damage twice and take either of the rolls. This also counts towards the Wound Dice.
Orcish Smell: Orcs have a level of PRF in Smell (Awarness) checks. They can also roll smell checks in place off other awarness checks. (at DM dicression)


Hiding in the shadows, away from the terrifying humans, orcs, and dwarves, lie the Reeklings. Their short, rodent-like, humanoids. For generations, reeklings have lived in the shadows of races, greater, and more powerful than themselves. They have little to no culture, no language of their own. Their society is often ruled through brute force and fear, the only truth is life and death. Reeklings differ from region to region, but if there's one thing all reeklings believe in, it's that everything in the world is up for the taking. Only those who can hold onto something, deserve it.
Reekling society is often built on the backs of other civilizations. Most Reeklings will live in the shadows of human, dwarvish, or orcish, cities where they can scavenge and steal the scraps from them. They build their whole economy on the ideals of thievery. In larger cities, they might even form crime syndicates and work with non-reekling criminals.

Reekling Statistics

Attributes. Reeklings have +1 to Dexterity and Awareness, but -1 to Brawn
Size: Reeklings are small creatures and have -2 to Hit Points, but +2 to Evasion.
Language: Reeklings learn one language of their choice.
Sneaky: Reeklings gain a level of PRF in Stealth.
Reekling Smell: Reeklings have a level of PRF in Smell (Awarness) checks. They can also roll smell checks in place off other awarness checks. (at DM dicression)
Reekling Constitution: Reeklings have Natural Talent for Stamina (Immunity) check against Disease.
Scurry Away: Reeklings gain the ability Scurry Away. Whenever a Reekling would Succeed on an Evasion check, they can move up to 10ft away from the attacker without provoking an attack of opportunity.


Of the many species and races of the world, the Skalren are truely alien cretures. During the Collaspe of the Atomic Age, Skalren refugees landed on the world. They were a starving and dying species that only through sheer will and united strength after putting their religious and national differences aside, could they work together to survive on this alien wolrd. Much of their history and technology was lost after they left their homeworld, now forced back into a pre industrial state of technology with much of their most advance science around chemisty.
The greatest weakness to Skalren however is their ability to breathe. Skalrens naturally breathe in methane gas to survive which is a rare resource on the world. This has forced many Skalrens to live in remote locations where methane vents are common, even if other living conditions are not pleasent. Through the ages, their technology in chemistry and ventilation has developed and allowed them to move further from their homes to a degree, giving them more comfortable livestyles, but still limited compaired to Humans or Orcs, who breath oxygen naturally.

Skalren Statistics

Attributes. Skalrens have +1 to Stamina and Focus.
Size: Skalren are medium creatures.
Language: Skalrens speak one Skalren language of their choice.
Thick Hides. Skalrens have Natural Talent to Endurance (Stamina) checks against wounds.
Skalren Sight: Skalrens are able to see clearly in areas with Total Darkness. In addition, they have a level of PRF in Sight (Awarness) checks.
Heat Resistance: Skalrens are heat resistant and take -2 less damage per die from fire damage.


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