Agathok Languages

The following is a complete list of languages in Agathok and their dialects, which can be learned by a player (provided they meet the prerequisites, if any).  

Standard Languages



The common language spoken by the majority of intelligent people in the world. It sounds simple.

Script: Common


Typically spoken by those living in the continent of Brinversia.


Typically spoken by people from the Underdark, although rare.

Sign Language

Sign Language is the intricate and silent language that is spoken not with verbal words, but with somatic actions (often specific hand gestures).

Script: Whichever Script the dialect uses (i.e. Common dialect uses Common Script)


Typically spoken by those living in the continent of Brinversia, or areas that predominantly speak Common.


Draconic is the language of dragons, their lesser cousins, as well as draconic and reptilian humanoids. It is a language associated with magic. It's spoken in quick and condensed breaths.

Script: Draconic (consists of quick but very precise and intentional "scratch" and "tear" marks; research "Skyrim dragon language" for visuals)


Typically spoken by true dragons and dragonborn. This dialect cannot be learned unless you are a Dragonborn or Draconic Sorcerer.


Typically spoken by kobolds, lizardfolk, and valusians.


Dwarvish is the language of the dwarvish people, which is often spoken in a way that sounds "slurred" to others, and is often accompanied by many hand gestures. Master artisans tend to also learn dwarvish.

Script: Dwarvish (consists of very fine markings and rune-like symbols)


Typically spoken by dwarves.


Typically spoken by duergar, particularly those from the Underdark.


Elvish is the language of the elvish people, and many of the creatures living in the Feywild. It is an elegant sounding language with many beautiful sounding words.

Script: Elvish (consists of very fine, cursive symbols)


Typically spoken by elves and many fey creatures.


Typically spoken by drow, particularly those from the Underdark.


Typically spoken by the oldest of elves and fey creatures, who have lived for far longer than they typically should. This dialect is not available for players.


Giant is the language of the towering, intelligent humanoids of the same name (giants), and the many creatures that possess diluted giant blood flowing through their veins. It is a language associated with magic, and it shares some similarites with the dwarvish language, except it is spoken more clearly and confidently.

Script: Dwarvish


Typically spoken by true giants. This dialect is not available for players.


Typically spoken by lesser giants, such as goliaths, firbolgs, and minotaurs.


Typically spoken by giant-blooded creatures of lower intelligence, such as ogres, trolls, and ettin.


Gnomish is the language of gnomes and smaller, seelie fey. It is a language associated with magic, and it's known to sound "dreamy" to listeners.

Script: Dwarvish


Typically spoken by gnomes, and fey creatures like sprites and pixies.


Halfling is the language of its namesake and smaller, unseelie fey. It is a language associated with magic, and is a simple language that can sound similar to common.

Script: Common


Typically spoken by halflings, and fey creatures like redcaps and tooth fairies.


Typically spoken by devout halflings, and those who otherwise deeply worship Nidus. The script for this dialect is Elvish, instead of Common.


The language spoken by Greenskins, and certain monstrous beasts. It contains many harsh sounding syllables.

Script: Orcish


Typically spoken by Greenskins living within Seblin, especially those living within or around the many mountain peaks.


Typically spoken by Greenskins (those living outside of Seblin). This dialect is the most common, and has the most amount of variance as several tribes can have different words for very certain words. All "wild" greenskins (those who've forsaken civilization and their history) speak this dialect.


Typically spoken by Bugbears, Goblins, and Hobgoblins; particularly those who have taken an interest in their ancestry's history.

Rare Languages



Acquan is the language of elemental water, spoken by various creatures with a deep connection to the element of water. The language can often sound like the rhythmic flow of underwater currents, and the lapping of waves.

Script: Elvish


Typically spoken by water genasi, tortles, sea elves, and merfolk.


Auran is the language of elemental air, spoken by various creatures with a deep connection to the element of air. The language can often sound like the rustling of winds, and can often sound light and weightless.

Script: Draconic


Typically spoken by air genasi, raptaers, kenku, grippli, and Storm Sorcerers.


Celestial is the language of celestial beings and those closely tied to them. It is a language associated with magic, and it is synonymous with the deities of Agathok. The language sounds powerful, and can sound either holy or unholy to some, depending on the speaker's alignment.

Script: Celestial


Typically spoken by aasimars and celestials, like gods.

Deep Speech

Deep Speech is the language of aberrations and those who originate from the Far Realm, as well as the subterranean folk who were once enslaved and tortured by them. It is now the most commonly spoken language in the Underdark.

Script: Deep Speech


Typically spoken by aberrations, like aboleths and mind flayers. This dialect is not available for players.


Typically spoken by the locals of the Underdark.


Ignan is the language of elemental fire, spoken by various creatures with a deep connection to the element of fire. The language can often sound the crackles and hisses of flames and searing heat. It can often unsettle those unfamiliar with the language who hear it.

Script: Dwarvish


Typically spoken by fire genasi.


Sylvan is the language of creatures from or with a strong connection to the Feywild or Shadowfell. It is a language associated with magic, and can sound similar to elvish.

Script: Elvish


Typically spoken by centaurs, fairies, satyrs, and creatures of the Feywild.


Typically spoken by kitsune and creatures of the Shadowfell.


Squee is the language of multiple beastfolk, all of whom have rodent-like qualities to them. It is a high-pitched language with many chattering and squeaking sounds.

Script: Common


Typically spoken by rohdeens and harengons.


Terran is the language of elemental earth, spoken by various creatures with a deep connection to the element of earth. The language can often sound like it reverberates with deep, resonant tones, and like rolling boulders.

Script: Dwarvish


Typically spoken by earth genasi, felidaens, tabaxi, and coonlings.

Thieves' Cant

Thieves' Cant is the language of thieves, criminals, and lowlifes. It is not a typical language, as it can only be spoken or written in conjunction with another known language of the person. Thieves' Cant is a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows one to hide messages in seemingly normal conversations; only another creature that knows thieves' cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.   Creatures who know thieves' cant also understand a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves' guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.

Script: Any


Typically spoken by Rogues, criminals, and otherwise mischievous folk.


Wicked is the language of demons, devils, and otherwise wicked and evil fiends. It is a sinister sounding language, and it is associated with magic.

Script: Wicked


Typically spoken by tieflings and demons.


Typically spoken by tieflings and devils.


Typically spoken by dark creatures of notable power and influence, like the rulers of the Abyss and the Hells. This dialect is not available for players.

Ancient Languages

NOTE: Ancient languages are not available for characters to learn, except through special means.  


Druidic is the secret language of Druids, that is heavily safeguarded by them from non-Druids. It is associated with magic, and is comprised of much humming and various, realistic animal sounds.   The written form of this language, much like its spoken form, is near indistinguishable from the natural environment around someone outside; for somebody to notice a message written in druidic, they must succeed a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, but regardless can't decipher it without magic.

Script: Druidic


Typically spoken by Druids, and deities from the Green Pantheon.


Necrol is the language of the dead, spoken from the spirit realm. It is similar to fancy gnomish but full of grunting sounds that seem out of place. Though not all undead can speak it, most understand it.

Script: Necrol


Typically spoken by dhampirs and undead.


Ooze is not so much a language necessarily, but a way of conversing with oozes. This language lacks a written form, and is spoken through using one's gelatinous body to wiggle and writhe in particular ways.



Typically spoken by slimefolk, oozes, and creatures with a direct connection to the Gelatinous Convocation.


Primordial is the language of greater elementals, and of the prime elements itself. It is a language of magic that can affect the elements nearby when spoken. Speakers of this language can speak to and understand creatures that speak Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran, and vice versa.

Script: Primordial (ancient runes made of the elements themselves)


Typically spoken by primordials.


Yokai is the language of dream spirits, spoken from the Astral Plane, which sounds ethereal and depending on the tone of the speaker, can also sound elegant or chilling.

Script: Yokai


Typically spoken by dreamborn, kitsune, and yokai (dream spirits).

Void Speech

Void Speech is the language of beings who are infused with the essence of the Void, that is, the cold and suffocating emptiness in space that surrounds all celestial bodies.

Script: Draconic


Typically spoken by creatures of the Void, like void dragons and kindori.