The Gelatinous Convocation

Created by Genuine Fantasy Press (minor changes)
You've made a pact with the cheerful wandering cubes of sentient ooze that wiggle and wobble their way across the multiverse, who visit worlds beyond measure with the singular goal of spreading their offspring within the deepest dungeons to collect and absorb the memories of the fallen. As they happily bounce between the planes, they occasionally encounter a soul they view as truly amusing, so they offer a measure of their strange power over the slimes and oozes of the world using the magic that they wield with a mere wave of their pseudopods.



Expanded Spell List

The Gelatinous Convocation lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a Warlock spell. The following spells are added to the Warlock Spell List for you.  
Spell Level
Grease, Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Enlarge/Reduce, Melf's Acid Arrow
Meld into Stone, Water Walk
Stone Shape, Vitriolic Sphere
Bigby's Hand, Summon Slime

Recovered Memories

1st-level Gelatinous Convocation feature   You learn to dissolve the bodies of the dead and learn from their lives. As an Action while standing adjacent to a corpse, you can produce an iridescent acid that consumes the corpse over the course of 1 minute. Once the process has finished, you can reabsorb the acid to access the creature's memories. You gain information about the creature's last 48 hours and the most important memories from their final years of life. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a Long Rest.    

Cheerful Friend

1st-level Gelatinous Convocation feature   You can speak, read, and write Ooze. Additionally, you are not subject to Acid damage that would be caused by a non-Hostile Ooze touching you, and you gain Resistance to Acid damage.  

Side Splitting

6th-level Gelatinous Convocation feature   Your body has become somewhat... slimy. Whenever you are dealt damage, you can use your Reaction to divide into a Medium swarm of Tiny Oozes. Your Hit Points remain the same, and you function as a single unified swarm that occupies the same space as a Medium creature. While in this state, you can't take any Actions other than the Dash action, your Movement Speed is halved, you gain Resistance to Physical damage, you gain Immunity to Acid and Poison damage, you don't provoke Opportunity Attacks, and you can move through any space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing. You can return to your normal form at will (without using an Action), provided there is room to do so.   Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a Long Rest. Starting at 10th level, you can use this feature at will as an Action. Using this feature as a Reaction though, is still limited to once per Long Rest.  

Acidic Body

10th-level Gelatinous Convocation feature   Your form is infused with a caustic power. You gain Immunity to Acid damage. Whenever a creature starts its turn in a Grapple with you, you can choose to have it take 2d8 Acid damage.  

Consuming Joy

14th-level Gelatinous Convocation feature   Your understanding of the happiness that pervades the Gelatinous Convocation grants you Immunity to the Charmed condition. You also gain the ability to cast the Polymorph spell, but the target can only be turned into an Ooze. You can cast this spell using a Warlock Spell Slot or without expending a Spell Slot. When you cast it without expending a Spell Slot, you can't do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Traits of the Conovker

The Convocation touches more than just the soul. Consider adding one or more of these traits when creating a Warlock or after contributing to the Convocation's memories.