
Created by GabeGrimoire
Vanaras are intelligent, monkey-like humanoids that tend to live in deep, warm forests and lush jungles—such as the ones in Seblin, Jund, or Daboria. A vanara's body is covered in a thin coat of soft fur, but despite this, it's not uncommon for them to grow lengthy hair on their head just as their human cousins can. Their hair is often the same or a similar color to their fur, and a vanara tends to style it in a way that differentiates it from their normal fur. In addition, their prehensile tails and hand-like feet make them capable of grabbing onto objects easily, such as when climbing the many trees they often make their homes out of.  

Vanara Society

Though it's not uncommon for vanaras to live within larger and more advanced settlements, most vanaras tend to live in the wilderness. They have a natural affinity with nature and beasts, and many enjoy living in large settlements with wildlife as friendly neighbors. Regardless of where a vanara lives however, most tend to be innately playful, with many having a reputation of being pranksters. As such, it's common for vanara communities to worship Nidus and/or Suul.   Besides that, vanara communities are almost always compassionate but territorial. Unwelcomed or disrespectful travelers have been known to be harassed out of vanara homes, with those otherwise being met with open arms and warm personalities. Just like humans however, vanaras are ambitious and relatively short-lived. Many vanara within a community choose to leave their homes in search of making a bigger impact on the world, whether that be to become a hero, a trickster, or something else entirely. As such, middle-aged vanaras are rare to see in a community.  

Vanara Names

The vanaras tend to use short names, typically emphasizing "o", "aah" and "v" sounds, though it's also not uncommon for a vanara to have a human name.   Vanara Names: Aaran, Angada, Daar, Divida, Kesari, Mainda, Nala, Nila, Oorak, Rama, Sooshena, Sugriva, Taar, Vaark, Valii, Vemook, Yana  

Vanara Traits

Your vanara character has the following traits.  


Ability Score Increase Dex +1; Wis +1; Any +1
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft., Climb 30 ft.

Alignment. Choose one of the alignments approved by your GM. Typical Vanaras tend towards Chaotic or Good alignments.   Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.   Size. You are Medium (about 4-7 feet tall) or Small (about 2-4 feet tall), and weigh about the same as a human. You choose the Size when you select this ancestry.   Speed. Your land Speed is 30 feet, and you have a Climb Speed equal to your land Speed.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one one other Language of your choice (that your GM agrees is appropriate).   Life Span. Vanaras mature and age at the same rate as humans.  

  Long-Limbed. When you make a melee attack on your turn, your Reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.   Prehensile Tail. You have a long, flexible tail that can be used to carry objects. You cannot wield a weapon or shield in combat using your tail, but you can use your tail to retrieve a stowed object, open or close an unlocked door or container, pick up an adjacent object, or stow an object as a Bonus Action. The object can weigh no more than double your Strength score (in pounds).   Primal Talent. Choose a 1st-level spell from the Druid Spell List that does not deal damage, regain Hit Points, or cause a creature to make a Saving Throw (choose when you select this ancestry). You can cast the chosen spell a number of times with this trait equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast the spell using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level.