Wall Born

Those born within the Astorian Walls are surrounded by the many knights and sentries that watch the Wall, most reputedly of the bunch being, the Watchers. These particular knights work tirelessly to ensure that nothing from the outside gets in, and that those living within the walls are kept safe.   In regards to those who live here, they are taught to fear what lurks beyond the Walls. They are told of the horrors, and why the Watchers must always stay vigilant in their duty. As such, the wall born residents of Astos are taught to never fear an opportunity when they see one, and are often the people who grow up to be a Watcher themselves.
Skill Proficiency — Acrobatics or Perception.   Other Proficiency — Acrobatics, Perception, or Mason’s Tools.   You have Advantage on Attack Rolls for Opportunity Attacks.