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Jonathan Proud Wolf

Life in a small town suddenly got a great deal bigger for him...   Jonathan spent all his life near the Four Corners region of the United States. A childhood friend of Michelle Lonely Coyote, he had a vivid memory of her father, a man known only as Koma. When Koma vanished one day, seemingly abandoning his wife and daughter, Jonathan saw first-hand Michelle's grief and her mother's anger. He behaved like a surrogate older brother to Michelle, trying to comfort her and doing what he could to help around the house. Years later when Michelle's mother passed away, he had no idea Michelle still longed to reunite with her father and was alarmed to find she'd seemingly left town for good. She returned unexpectedly in the company of foreigners. Enraged to see Koma among them, Jonathan lashed out, accusing him of being a deadbeat. The foreigners knew him not as Koma, but Anubis, and in order to teach the surly Jonathan the folly of making assumptions, he effortlessly broke his wrist. Witnessing the powers deployed by these foreigners would cause Jonathan to re-examine his worldview, and he would find himself unexpectedly caught up in events unfolding on the Stellar Stage.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very tall and athletic.

Body Features

Broad shoulders and deep chest.

Facial Features

Clean shaven, well-defined jawline. Thick black eyebrows.

Apparel & Accessories

Denim vest with a Thunderbird embroidered on the back, white tanktop, beige pants, boots, tooled-leather wristbands, beaded headband with metal medallions.

Specialized Equipment

Common yard tools in his youth, sketching implements when working with Jamine. Owns a second-hand, twice-removed beater truck. Has since added a comfortable RV trailer for use while working at the site.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life
  Jonathan remained close with Michelle throughout her childhood all the way through high school. He declined pursuing a career in athletics to stay in town and help the community, doing odd jobs as needed. Even though he mentored under William Walking Cloud, he lacked the spiritual sensitivity Michelle demonstrated.  

Events of Foes From Another World

in Chapter 6 "Daughter of the Ages", the Ronin Warriors travel to Michelle's home town via teleport in order to investigate a series of local disappearances. Following Mikita and Itchyatukomi, Jonathan-Initially worried by her sudden departure from town-is overjoyed to see her return but quickly reacts with hostility to the Ronin, Anubis chiefly among them.   He repeatedly calls Anubis "Koma", claiming to have seen him fifteen years ago, and attempts to separate him from Michelle. Being taller and stockier than Anubis, Jonathan believes he can simply intimidate him. Anubis quickly demonstrates why he retains his old moniker of Warrior of Cruelty.
Jonathan vs. Anubis by Mardrena
Pencil sketch redrawn in BlackInk
Canonical Lore: Anubis' birth name is Toshitada Koma in the original YST series. When rewriting FFAW, I simply used "Koma" as a past alias because it sounded mysterious and foreign. I had completely forgotten about his YST bio, so a bit of a happy coincidence. In Spacequake Ch. 4, the Magical Interception Bureau call Anubis by his birth name, apparently knowing him from his rebirth in the modern age.
“Let go of me, Proud Wolf!” Michelle tried to run to Anubis, but Jonathan yanked her back. Michelle tripped against the benches and fell to the ground, scraping her elbow.   “That was uncalled for! You-” Anubis stepped forward to confront him. Jonathan shoved him back again. Cale stood up, infuriated by the sight, but Dais grabbed his arm and pulled him back down, shaking his head. The other Ronin held back as well, watching as Anubis steadied himself.   “Don’t try to pretend like you’re being protective of her! She was too young to understand what you did to her mother. I won’t let you deceive Michelle too! Get out of here!” Jonathan shoved Anubis again, but Anubis stood his ground, his expression becoming rigid as cold fury built up within. Ryo knelt down and helped Michelle stand. She watched anxiously as Jonathan continued bullying her father, the man Ryo called Anubis, but Jonathan called Koma. Sehkmet observed calmly, wondering how much more Anubis would take of this. “What are you still doing here, Koma? Leave! Leave like you did fifteen years ago! Don’t ever come back!!” Jonathan reached forward and grabbed Anubis by his jacket collar.   Anubis’ hand shot up and gripped Jonathan’s wrist tightly. He started squeezing, enough for Jonathan to grimace from the pain. “…I would not pass judgment so quickly if I were you,” Anubis began in a tone the other Ronin hadn’t heard for a long time. Jonathan tried to pull away, but Anubis’ hand might as well have been made of steel, not to mention his face as his expression didn’t change at all. Then Anubis began twisting Jonathan’s wrist very slowly. “I’ve seen more hell in one lifetime than you ever would in a thousand.”   Tanya clamped a hand over her mouth and curled up in her seat, and Cale and Dais’ jaws dropped upon hearing the muffled nauseating crack. Cye gasped and the others winced in sympathy. Sehkmet’s lip curled in a satisfied smirk as he watched Jonathan collapse to his knees, screaming and clutching his forearm.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 6
The culprit behind the disappearances is revealed to be Kilhotah, a surviving member of the Were-Pack. He kidnaps Michelle, planning to sacrifice her as part of a ritual and to spite Anubis. Jonathan blames Anubis for her capture before being shown first-hand Anubis' true power. At this point he is lucky Anubis doesn't simply leave him in traction... He ventures out into the desert coming upon a fierce battle unfolding where he sees the Ronin Warriors in action-the younger Ronin fielding their AnimArmors and the Elders using their full Armor. Kilhotah is defeated and Michelle safe and sound, and Jonathan is forced to admit Anubis' sincere devotion to his biological daughter.   The next day he desperately argues against Michelle's decision to move to Japan permanently, but her mind is set and she leaves her companions Mikita and Itchyatukomi in his care. Her departure leaves Jonathan saddened despite her promise to visit often. Later that night he heads out to a nearby landmark and ventures within what looks like a mine shaft. Long thought to be a cultural curiosity and favorite haunt of local youths looking for adventure, Jonathan finds drawings that eerily correspond to the Armors worn by the Ronin. In order to unravel this mystery, he offers his services as a cultural consultant to Jamine O'Connor, the youngest of Shannon's aunts who is in the process of excavating and cataloguing the site.
Scene from FFAW Ch6 (WIP) by Mardrena
Rough pencil sketch
  In Chapter 18 "Return of the Foe", Michelle and Anubis return to the town with Cye Mouri and Lady Kayura accompanying them. Jonathan seems to recognize the Staff of Ancients and later invites Anubis and Cye to examine the mine shaft. Cye is alarmed, recognizing some of the petroglyphs as identical to what Suzunagi showed him in his vision. He advises the findings be kept secret from the other Ronin and encourages Jonathan to continue with his studies.   In Chapter 27 "Emdourachil", Jonathan discovers some of the petroglyphs display a hidden image when exposed to black light. One such drawing apparently predicts the emergence of Kento's Avatar form.   In Chapter 30 Jonathan comes at night to investigate what appears to be an intrusion. Worrying someone seeks to vandalize the site, he peers inside and spies four strange women examining the drawings. They apparently know of his presence and the one with the silver hair issues a cryptic warning to not speak of them to anyone.  
Events of Fight Alone
In Chapter 6 "The Myth, The Magic, and The Machine", Jonathan is seen briefly in the company of Professor Jamine discussing the site, now dubbed the "Prophecy Wall". They are blissfully unaware as Blackblaze prowls in shadow form behind them. By this point they have catalogued and categorized most of the drawings as they relate to events that have already transpired. The drawings uncovered thus far seem to involve the creation of the Nine Armors up to the Cataclysm War.   In Chapter 14 "Ring of Fury", Jonathan, Jamine, and Walking Cloud discuss the possible origins of the Prophecy Wall with Jonathan offering some insight to mythologies of Midwestern cultures, namely the "Third World" creation myth. Even though Jonathan has no spiritual awareness, Walking Cloud can sense the evil seeping into the world as the Ronin are embroiled in battle against demonic invaders on the other side of the globe.
The Navajo elder harrumphed irritably, drawing a glance from Jamine. “I’m sorry…did…did I say something out of turn?” Jamine blinked innocently. Walking Cloud frowned in her direction before glancing at Jonathan.   “Your naivety disappoints me. Jonathan, I thought you were making an impression on this young scholar, not vice versa.” Jonathan blushed and began stuttering profusely in protest.
— Fight Alone Ch. 14

Events of Cataclysm War

  The fight to repel Beastlord leaves little time for leisure or travel for any of the Ronin or their associates. When the Menagerie are finally defeated and the city restored, the Ronin are invited to attend the Blood Dawn festival in Chapter 15. Jamine dispatches her niece Shainie and Jonathan in her stead to study Thangien culture, Jamine too engrossed in a supposed "breakthrough" to attend personally.   By this point Jonathan has become so absorbed in research concerning the Prophecy Wall he is no longer bothered by Michelle spending time with Anubis and focuses on examining Thangien art styles. Seeing a connection, he frantically starts making notes only to be politely interrupted by Roth, Thangien Goddess of Victory. She calmly informs the startled man that she plans to make herself known to the Ronin in due time and cautions him to keep quiet about her before inviting him to enjoy the festivities of the day.  

Events of Spacequake

“These allies of the Ronin venerate four major goddesses, right?” Jonathan nodded in reply. “Then that’s the puzzling part: if these are otherworldly myths...why are they featured so prominently in the Prophecy Wall?” Jonathan studied the photos, face blanching and eyes going wide when he recognized the foremost of the depicted figures.
— Spacequake Ch. 4
Jonathan continues his work alongside Jamine, completely unaware of the planetary near miss the Ronin averted. As the excavation approaches a sealed section, Jamine is puzzled by a set of drawings of figures not featured thus far in the "narrative".   Recognizing the four figures, Jonathan makes a frantic call, unable to get in touch with either Anubis or Cye at first due to the Ronin still recovering their memories following the spacequake.   At the same time he is speaking to Cye about the powerful guest they should be expecting, Miz Paufan notices four powerful signatures inbound to Earth as the Queens make their introduction known.
“Hullo?”   “Cye! Finally! I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for over an hour!”   “Ah, well, there’s kind of been a lot going on…”   “So I gathered. Glad to hear you all are back safe and sound. Look, I have to admit I only signed on as Jamine’s assistant to keep her from stumbling around these ancient sites, but never in my life would I have imagined seeing the things I’ve seen!” Jonathan Proud Wolf rambled.   “Wait, what on Earth are you talking about?” Cye’s brow furrowed in a puzzled scowl. Back in Arizona, Jonathan paced alongside the satellite phone console near the mouth of the shaft tunnel leading underground to the Prophecy Wall. The young man raked his fingers through his hair.   “Your allies call her the ‘Queen of Triumph’. I saw her! At that festival on the other world, face to face. She’s real! She-...she’s on her way, and-and I think the only reason I’m able to tell you this now is she wants you to know she’s on her way!”   Back in Mia’s office, Cye stared ahead with a haunted expression. “I’ll...I’ll tell the others…thank you, Jonathan,” and with that Cye placed the phone back in its cradle.
— Spacequake Ch. 4

Spoiler Warning: Upcoming Content!

  Ronin WarriorSpectra
"The last time someone used dynamite on these tunnels, it didn't end well..." Jonathan muttered as he finished drilling the last of the holes in the slab blocking off the rest of the shaft. He brushed dust away and stepped back to make room for Jamine as she began inserting tubes into each hole.   "That's because only an idiot would use dynamite in a archeological site. It's embarrassing how many sites have been ruined by well-meaning busy-bodies who don't know what they're doing. For every ancient wonder that exists today, hundreds-if not thousands more-have been destroyed by clumsy idiots! I've used this method before once. I assure you, it's perfectly safe," she insisted and moved back to where Jonathan knelt by the chemical tank and the pump. "Down the hatch we go!" she nodded energetically. Jonathan reluctantly opened the valve on the tank labeled "Liquid Nitrogen" and switched on the pump feeding the tubes. The two watched as the tubes went taut and fog started to waft out of the edges of the holes.   Suddenly the slab split neatly down the middle with a loud crack and tumbled inward. The two had set up their equipment a good distance away beforehand but dust still billowed out and Jonathan shielded his face with one arm while Jamine waved her hand infront of her face rapidly, sputtering irritably. The dust started to clear and Jonathan lowered his arm, peering into the shaft.   "...I...I...If you wanted to see me, you could have simply knocked," a tall woman holding a staff crowned with floating, spiraling ornaments and clad in a loose silken robe and short veil drawled in a triple echo. Jonathan's eyes widened in alarm upon seeing the black irises and white pupils. This woman not only looked considerably older than Roth, but vastly more powerful.   "Oh goodness gracious, I don't believe we've met before?" Jamine commented absently and leaned to the side slightly. Greytorata tilted her face in her direction. Jonathan couldn't tell if she looked mildly irritated or amused at Jamine's naievety.


High School, amateur archeology/historian


Used to do odd jobs around down, now currently in the employ of Jamine O'Connor as a full-time cultural consultant.

Accomplishments & Achievements

On top of being a long-time friend Michelle, Jonathan has proven a valuable associate of Professor O'Connor in studying the petroglyphs, becoming the first to dub it the Prophecy Wall. He has the unfortunate distinction of being the first civilian associate of the Ronin to see the Four Queens and come face-to-face with Roth, Queen of Triumph.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite meaning well thinking to protect Michelle from Koma, Jonathan thoroughly makes an ass of himself infront of the Ronin Warriors, making the mistake of picking a fight with a former Dark Warlord and earning himself a broken wrist in the process.

Mental Trauma

Jonathan harbored alot of anger towards Koma for many years following his disappearance and sudden return. Only seeing the Ronin in action and his encounter with Roth alleviated his hostility towards foreigners.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite lacking spiritual awareness, Jonathan is still well-learned in Midwest history, chiefly that of the Navajo people. He has a decent understanding of conventional mechanics and has learned a great deal about archaeology recently.

Morality & Philosophy

Jonathan has always viewed himself as a older brother figure and is quick to threaten to deck anyone he perceives as a threat to Michelle. This obviously fails against Anubis.


Despite his own attire, Jonathan dislikes seeing tourists wearing Western outfits.

Personality Characteristics


Initially he made it his personal duty to protect Michelle from harm. With her overseas in Japan, he now dedicates his time to assisting Jamine and Walking Cloud in studying the Prophecy Wall.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at doing heavy lifting but not so much at social interaction with anyone outside the continental United States.

Likes & Dislikes

Work keeps him busy and he enjoys delving into history well enough, but he has a strong distrust of foreigners, for example calling Cye an "Anglo" even though he's Japanese by birth.

Virtues & Personality perks

As a member of the Navajo Nation, he is very proud of culture and history, quick to fill in the blanks of Jamine's understanding...of which there seems to be a great deal.

Vices & Personality flaws

Perhaps the only American more bullish than Kento, he likely would have picked a fight with all of the Ronin if Anubis had not put him in his place.

Personality Quirks

For all his bravado he tends to be easily startled either when seeing a fully-armored Ronin Warrior or a Thangien Goddess.


Contacts & Relations

Member of the Navajo Nation

Michelle Lonely Coyote

  -Close. A childhood friend, Jonathan views her more as a little sister than romantically. As much as he tries to hold onto her, he is forced to let her go when she moves overseas to Japan, though they still keep in touch.  


-Wary. Despite not knowing the circumstances behind Koma's disappearance, Jonathan treated him with immediate hostility upon seeing him. After learning his true nature as a Ronin Warrior, Jonathan reluctantly abandons his anger, focusing on the bigger picture.  

Ronin Warriors

-Wary. Aside from Anubis and Cye, Jonathan does not know any of them on a personal level.  
William Walking Cloud
-Close. A prominent tribal elder and sort of grandfatherly figure to both Jonathan and Michelle. Offers much-needed insight concerning ancient history, customs, and mysticism.  
Jamine O'Connor
-Cordial. Ten years older than Jonathan but with the mannerisms of a old biddy, she might come off as an airhead at first but is very dogged when it comes to archaeology. However her education regarding Midwest culture seems to be lacking.  
Roth, Queen of Triumph
-Wary. Getting his arm broken might have knocked some sense into Jonathan, and seeing the Ronin in action might've radically changed his worldview, but seeing Thanged's chief deity in person turned everything he thought he knew upside down.

Family Ties

Aside from Michelle as a friend and Walking Cloud as a mentor, Jonathan does not speak of immediate family. It is unknown if he has any siblings.

Social Aptitude

Even with such a small sleepy town, Jonathan did not care to make friends with anyone besides Michelle and Walking Cloud. He is more comfortable working with Jamine on site than at a local saloon.

Hobbies & Pets

With Michelle overseas in Japan, Jonathan has taken up care of the coydog Mikita and golden eagle Itchyatukomi.
“Michelle! There you are!! How could you just leave without saying anything? I’ve been worried sick about you. You’ve been gone for days!” Ryo heard the newcomer and glanced over at the young man that approached the picnic area. “Mikita couldn’t find you anywhere but just today she sensed you were back. Then I saw Itchyatukomi head this way too…” Anubis turned around in his seat and looked up at the man who seemed to be friends with his daughter. The man saw Anubis and his eyes widened in shock. “Koma!!” the man exclaimed and took a step back.   “What did you call me?” Anubis raised an eyebrow.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 6
“Hey, cool off bud. I don’t know what person you remember, but Anubis has been a loyal friend of ours for many years,” Ryo tried to intervene and put a hand on Jonathan’s shoulder. The hot-headed local swatted Ryo’s hand away and whirled on him.   “Don’t touch me! You’re friends with him? Figures. Only foreigners would dress so tackily!” Jonathan spat. Ryo frowned, taken aback by the contempt in the man’s voice.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 6
Current Status
Working alongside Jamine O'Connor
19 (FFAW) 21(SQ)
Current Residence
Arizona, United States
Dark brown
Short black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"This is your fault! You brought evil with you, and now it’s claimed Michelle!"
  "You should wake your Anglo friend too. He’d probably be interested in seeing it."
  "Never in my life would I have imagined seeing the things I’ve seen!”
Known Languages
“I see you brought some of your…foreigner friends…” he said tightly when he saw Koma come up behind Michelle followed by the English man named Cye and an unidentified young woman with long black hair and a gold staff.   “Ahhh…Jonathan Proud Wolf…it’s been a while. Tell me; how’s the arm?” Koma grinned.   “…Functioning…” he partially growled.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 18
Jonathan reached inside his jacket and fished out the journal he carried with him. He flipped through pages until he found the photos he kept of the “Prophecy Wall”. He held the journal up to compare with the tapestry of Ander. The triangular eyes looked virtually identical, down to the exact angle of corners. Jonathan’s eyes widened and he lowered the journal, holding it in one hand while wiping his hand over his mouth with the other. “It’s the same style…” he whispered, his hand shaking with excitement. “It’s the same style!”
— Cataclysm War Ch. 15

Cover image: Jonathan Proud Wolf Header by Mardrena
Character Portrait image: Jonathan Proud Wolf (Portrait) by Mardrena


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