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Khilioan Rock Rhino

Stalkers don't like it when food fights back...   Once long ago when raw phergon was discovered close to Planet Khilio's surface, mining parties led by Thunthen and Thangiens nearly came to blows upon sighting each other. Both combatants paused and watched in dread awe as one of the infamous stalker ran a short stump-legged carapace-clad creature to ground. Silently rooting for it to prevail, the two parties observed in horror as the stalker ultimately won and rolled the hapless horn-nosed creature onto its back, pinning its stomach with its thick forelegs and using its small collar claws to pry the shell off its body. The two superpowers watched slack-jawed as the stalker rolled the flayed creature around like a baker preparing seeded bread and half-buried it in the soil before bounding away to seek another victim. From that day on both superpowers agreed to a silent truce that they not come to blows while in sight of each other for fear of drawing even more stalkers, who might find them as tempting a meal as the unfortunate four-legged life-form...

Basic Information


Named for a creature of the Oldworld due to its prominent horn and short ears, rock rhinos have no noticeable tail and have four legs as opposed to the stalker's six. They seem able to extend their necks from under their carapace like a turtle. Their shell is tough from the top but not wholly immune from a persistent stalker. It is suspected to serve more for camouflage on the surface.  
Predator and Prey by Mardrena
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Biological Traits

The smallest rhino observed seems as big and heavy as a small Oldworlder vehicle. Larger specimens are estimated to be the size of a truck.

Genetics and Reproduction

Neither superpower stays longer than absolutely necessary on the surface of the planet, and after the disastrous attempts to capture live stalkers by the Thunthen, there is not exactly a rush to thoroughly study these creatures.

Growth Rate & Stages

Because of the existence of rather large footprints, it is thought the rhinos targeted by stalkers are actually juveniles caught unawares and too slow and dumb to properly defend themselves.

Ecology and Habitats

Water is not found anywhere on the planet's surface. It is suspected the extendable necks and horn are used to root under the soil for some form of moisture-bearing food such as a fungus or root tuber. This behavior has yet to be observed in the wild.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is often joked that aside from their appearance, rock rhinos earned their name due to them actually consuming rocks whole, gleaning nutrients as ore and soil work their way through their digestive tract. This has not been observed or proven/disproven...


Rhinos engaged in battle against stalkers fight viciously, attempting to gore them with their horns. At the very least they ensure the stalker wastes precious time and energy.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Recovered carapace fragments seem to be a mixture of keratin and leathery hide. Aside from specimens retrieved for study, neither superpower feels the need to go out of their way to harvest remains for any purpose be it decorative or practical.

Facial characteristics

The distinctive facial horn looks intimidating but does not seem to deter a persistent stalker. It may be a courtship display or a tool used to root through the soil.
Wary Rhino by Mardrena
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Geographic Origin and Distribution

They have been observed on various regions of the planet but population density and migratory patterns have not been established or observed.

Average Intelligence

Because adults have only been speculated but never seen, it is presumed they know better than to reveal themselves when mining parties land on the surface. Juveniles seem to play fast and loose with the environment, inviting trouble with their antics.  
Rhino on the Defense by Mardrena
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Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Since they lack the protective mucous layer stalkers use, it is thought they are actually nocturnal, active only in the scant period of time the planet's surface sees the least amount of sunlight. The position of the eyes affords them a wide field of vision and their hearing seems fair enough they can hear their six-legged doom approaching in time to alert others.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

It is unknown whether rock rhinos benefit from the organisms theorized to enable stalkers to survive on the surface. Necropsies have not been conducted out of fear of earning the ire of nearby stalkers who might not appreciate having their cached foodstuffs stolen.
Planet Khilio by Mardrena
Made with LunarCell and
Khilioan Stalker
Species | Jul 27, 2022

How this six-limbed killer came into existence and how it endured up until present remains a mystery few are willing to brave either the heat or the Stalkers' hunger to plumb.

Average Physique
Rhinos apparently pack alot of meat on their bones both out of necessity and because of the intense gravity of the planet. How they get so big and sustain that mass is a mystery because in turn they seem to sustain the stalkers.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Rock rhinos seem to have a universally brownish hide flecked with orange thought to match the surface of the planet.
Geographic Distribution
Hospitable as Hell by Mardrena
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Predator and Prey by Mardrena
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Cover image: Rock Rhino Header by Mardrena


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