Roxi Hirochner's 1874 Sharps Buffalo Gun Item in Age of Defiance | World Anvil
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Roxi Hirochner's 1874 Sharps Buffalo Gun

As seen in
Even a warlord would think twice with this between their eyes...   The crown jewel of Roxi's collection, this antique rifle originally occupied a prominent place above the mantle, a conversation piece in the rustic log cabin. When Scar, Warlord of Nightmare came lusting after Rowen of the Strata's blood, Roxi had a choice to make: to watch Rowen die a slow gruesome death, or to take action of her own mortal will. Taking her grandfather's rifle in hand, she jammed the barrel right through Scar's facemask, fully prepared to blow his brains out. Rowen broke free of his bonds and sent the warlord packing, saving Roxi from making a mess. Since that day, Roxi has fielded her grandfather's Sharps in the fight against evil of any kind.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The traditional Sharps is a breech-loading long-barreled rifle with foldable open-ladder sights.


Like most of the weapons in both her grandfather's antique collection and her personal arsenal, the Sharps is inscribed with a Latin phrase which translates into an abridged Bible verse: "to love good, is to hate evil".  
Roxi led him to a long case hung over the fireplace. She stood there for a few moments, moving her weight to her right side. Then she took a sharp breath and began speaking. “1874 Sharps buffalo gun; 32 inch barrel, 13 lbs, solid chestnut stock, range of well over 1000 yards, .50 caliber shot,” she whispered reverently.   “.50 caliber? Shoot, wouldn’t you blow up the buffalo too?” Rowen exclaimed.
— Aftermath Ch. 6

Events of Aftermath

  The Sharps sees the most action against Dygra's minions such as Scar, Black Hawk, and run-of-the-mill Dynasty soldiers during the Battle of the Citadel. With its .50 caliber shot, it lays waste to tin cans. Usually modern weapons have no effect against the Dynasty, but Anubis theorizes that Roxi's faith in her guns-the Sharps included-affords them an almost talismanic ability, allowing them to cause real harm against evil beings. A point blank shot to the mouth along with another rifle shot permanently destroys the undead samurai, Rujek. Roxi soon exhausts her bandoleers, at most buying time in the long run. Her last shot with the Sharps during the battle managed to free Rowen from the spell of an evil spirit.
Sharpshooters Side-by-Side (Scene from Aftermath Ch. 12) by Mardrena
Made with Inkscape and BlackInk
Do You Feel Lucky Pardner? (Scene from Aftermath Ch. 6) by Mardrena
Made with Inkscape and BlackInk
Events of Foes From Another World
  In light of increased Dynasty activity, Roxi casts silver .50 cal shot specifically for the Sharps. While she fails to stop Don Marquin from greviously wounding Goldheart, she uses the Sharps to put an end to the bloodthirsty werewolf once and for all.  
Events of Neo Ronin
  Even with specially-crafted explosive ballistic rounds, Roxi is at best only able to stagger the new model of Dynasty Droids. The Sharps is unable to compete with Archie Archer's Celestial Concussion attack.  
Events of Cataclysm War
  The Sharps gets its fair share of action against the Avar and Chiori clans of the Menagerie during the Assault on the Pit, with Roxi downing the most recent Avar general with a blast to the chest.  
Spoiler Warning: Planned Content!
  Three Wars
Roxi is sadly forced to permanently retire the Sharps as a result of undue wear and tear from fighting the forces of evil. Even though she has done her best to keep it in perfect working order, such an ancient weapon was simply not designed for use against robots and mutants. Roxi, however, finds a worthy successor...
  Bio Wars
Rowen stood by and watched with curiousity as Roxi hefted open the long case to reveal the metal tubes resting in foam padding. "ArmaLite AR-50... 35lbs, 60 inches, .50 cal shot, bolt action, aluminum stock, low recoil...a modern-day work of beauty..." she marveled.   "35 lbs? You sure you can carry around something that big in the thick of battle?" Rowen asked uneasily as Roxi fully assembled the weapon, fastening the large scope and slinging the sturdy strap over her shoulder with relative ease. She shrugged a few times to settle the strap and swayed from side to side briefly to test her hips.   "I think I can manage," Roxi grinned as she raised the stock to her shoulder and peered through the scope.
  Bio Wars
Rowen squirmed under the grip of the brutish feline mutant. Normally it'd be easy to fling him off, especially in Spectronin Armor, but the hulking beast had him firmly pinned with its knees braced against his gut and both meaty hands gripping his wrists. "Not such a tough guy now, are ya?" the brute taunted in a hackneyed accent. "You're pretty good at range, but up close'n personal, you're weak as a kitten!"   we'll see about that...if I could just...reach my...crossbow... Rowen tried to shrug his arm to disengage the collapsible weapon, but the brute's grip remained fast. The tiger-like mutant leaned close, bringing its hot stinking maw close to Rowen's face. He called down his facemask and the beast's tongue merely slid over it, but much to Rowen's dismay, gobs of saliva started sliding over the edges.   "You can't keep that up fer long! Once the rest o' my mates show up, we'll pry that fancy metal outfit o' yours off like tinfoil! Kinda in the mood fer sum roast meat...we'll have ourselves a bit of a cookout!" The mutant guffawed, oblivious to the faint zipping hum in the air.   Rowen heard the splat before the distant report and shut his eyes and turned away from the splatter of gore. He blinked several times before daring to look forward. He stared wide-eyed in bewilderment upon seeing half the feline hulk's face missing. The mutant blinked once-mouth agape in shock-, then twice before slumping forward and to the side slightly, still atop Rowen. Rowen grimaced irritably.   Far away up the slope, Roxi leaned her head to the side, nodding in approval. "I know my merch..." she muttered and slid the bolt back, ejecting the spent casing which tumbled midair briefly before landing in the rocky soil.


Roxi grew up immersed in the ideal of the Old West: the dusty cattle drive, the stage coach chase, the homesteader resilience, and the pioneer spirit. The Sharps is a representation not just of her adoration for her grandfather but her idolization of that iconic era.
Scar blinked again, confused as he found himself staring into a deep opening. His gaze focused and he looked down the length of the metal barrel to where Roxi had the stock braced against her shoulder.   “Your armor might cover most of your body, but I can see your eyeballs just fine. Unless you want me to splatter your brains all over the inside of that helmet of yours, I suggest you step back and leave!” Roxi demanded.
— Aftermath Ch. 6
“…By the time you reload…I will have already torn out your throat…” Don Marquin said softly and shook his head almost in pity. He took a step towards her, and she took a step back.   She couldn’t hide how scared she was. This time there was no Ronin, or mountain ram, or dragon to save her. She wiped her tongue over her dried lips and flexed her fingers around the stock and barrel. “Well then…I guess that means I’ll have to break my own record.”
— Foes From Another World Ch. 8
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Creation Date
Current Holder
Only a limited number of these iconic firearms were manufactured in their first run. While it is easy to obtain a replica in the modern age, Roxi's is an authentic.
47" (32" barrel)
Chaizar’s eyes widened when he saw her pull out her Sharps and aim for the hull.   “Does she really think she can damage the ship with that feeble weapon,” Scar rumbled. The two of them squawked in terror when the first blast tore a hole through the front bow.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 17
“Hah, Strata’s woman believes her pitiful weapons can harm us-” Roxi squeezed the trigger and a booming crack rocked Eliza’s eardrums like the firing of a cannon at a Civil War reenactment. The blast struck one Dynasty Droid in the face hard enough to send it staggering.   “What on Earth do you put in those shells!!?” Eliza squawked.   “TENDER LOVING CARE!”
— Neo Ronin Ch. 5

Cover image: Roxi's 1874 Sharps Header by Mardrena


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