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The Winding White Delta

Where the Northern Ring meets the Southern Salt...   Travelers braving the Great Salt Marsh will often pass by the mouth of the Winding White to stock up on potable water before entering the Salt proper. While it does not sport as dense vegetation as the marsh itself, it is not recommended to traverse on foot as the current is still quite strong and the silty ground quick to claim the unwary. Boats or the mechanical Pegasi are preferred to ford the streams. River frogs, Pei monkeys, tree bears, gherfen, and the occasional Grand Cresta herd call the delta home. Numerous species of fish spawn here before returning to the north. Much of the varieties of plants prized for medicinal or cosmetic purposes do not grow here, but the Richtho plant can always be found on the numerous islets. The flood season brings fresh infusions of silt to fill the river bed. While rare and incremental, evidence indicates the delta is slowly expanding as more estuaries fill with silt and the river seeks new routes of release.


The Winding White stretches the length of Thanged starting from the Northern Ring to the border between Kundain and the Southern Salt. Where the regions converge, the delta flourishes, spanning the plain like a glittering fan. Here a smattering of blood-leaf trees can be seen close to the border and the light of the Twin Suns dance across the current. The gentle burbling of the streams can be deceptive as the White can easily snatch a foolish adventurer's ankles right under them.


Trees are less frequent at the border, so Pei courts have very little available canopies to hide in. To compensate, most hunker close to the shore and some have even taken a page from the Freelanders by weaving the tallest grasses together to make ramshackle lean-tos to avoid pesky gherfen. Crestas will not ford the delta at its broadest points but will stop to drink at the shore. Tree bears are so fat and heavy they can plant themselves on the riverbed and scare up any fish burrowed into the sand. Reed frogs burrow into the soft silt and keep their beady eyes open to catch anything unaware be it insects or a young Pei too far from its court.

Ecosystem Cycles

The flood season sends the river over its shores and new estuaries are slowly carved out until the waters recede. Fish stick close to the bed and wait for the waters to calm before laying their eggs. Tree bears wait for the spawn preceding the storm season to capitalize on the bounty of fish meandering back north.  
Gateway to the South by Mardrena
Made with BlackInk

Localized Phenomena

Caevas are seen occasionally but the claws do not stretch low enough to rake the ground.


The delta is not as sticky as the Salt itself but the air is still quite humid, and there is little shade to ward off the Twin Suns. Loose clothing and broad hats are recommended.

Fauna & Flora

Notable Plants

Richtho Bush
Prolific plant with numerous curative properties. Prized by both Thangien travelers and plains beasts seeking relief for injury or indigestion.  
Cresta's Grass
Patches of these tall fronds can be found throughout the delta on islets and the shore. Favorite snack for kirya and cover for Pei courts.  
Blood-leaf Tree
Oddly enough they seem to prefer the saltier soil found south as specimens on the border of Kundain appear relatively stunted compared to their southern cousins. Identified by their bright red leaves.  
wild Richtho bush with cut-away view of leaf underside
Richtho Bush (full view+cutaway) by Mardrena
Pei about to get yeeted and deleted
Little Emperor vs Helmed Hawk by Mardrena

Notable Beasts

Pei Monkey
Most courts only stop by the delta for fresh water and food as they migrate between the Salt and Kundain.  
The Helmed Hawk has no shortage of available food but the abundance of fish makes them less likely to target Pei or kirya.  
Gold-Furred Tree Bear
Perhaps the only land mammal that loves the water and can brave the current with minimal effort, their slick fur and rolls of fat allow them to avoid hazards like hoof rot Crestas risk or being swept away by the current.  
Grand Cresta
The beast-horses of the plains will graze and drink by the shore but prefer swimming through the deeper, stronger current of the river itself than attempting to tromp across the delta.  
Giant Reed Frog
Unlike in the Salt where they have ample cover, the river frogs make use of the shallows and loose silt to stage ambushes. Many a fool on foot has taken a wrong step to wind up with their ankle in the mouth of a frog the size of a bowling ball.  
Two stallions vying for leadership while mares watch anxiously
Stallions in Rut by Mardrena
Thanged's deadliest birb
The Helmed Hawk on a Hunt by Mardrena
  It should be worth noting the Razzer does not migrate north into the White or delta, presumably because of the shallower water and less cover.

Natural Resources

-Negligible. Even trace amounts are so diluted amongst the streams it is considered not worth the effort. Even panning for hours might yield a thimble full of dererium flakes.  
-Very Abundant. It is actually much easier to dredge for silt at the delta than the river or Salt. Hefty amounts of fine silica prized by glassblowers can be recovered safely without violating Roth's Edict.  
-Negligible. The delta is too far removed from the hotspots scattered across the Salt for any black water to be found.  
-Negligible. While some rocks out on Kundain might have crystallized varieties, the current breaks up and dissolves any traces carried along the river.  
Precious and Semiprecious Gems
-Uncommon. Gems recovered here tend to be smoother but much smaller. Gual de Phu Aclu is still the preferred location to harvest gemstones.  
-Very Abundant. Despite being relatively small compared to either Kundain or the Salt, the delta has quite a high concentration of plant and animal life.  
-Poor. Blood-leaf is not suitable for carving or construction to begin with and the ones growing at the border are pitifully small compared to the ones that favor the Salt.  
-Limited. Some polished palm-sized rocks can be recovered amid the silt but none large enough for heavy construction. Might be useful for mosaics and the silt is good for clay-fired bricks.  
-Very Abundant. The delta sports primarily fresh water and the swift current keeps it from stagnating.


Deres had to take the long way around before entering the Salt since he noticed even his thin frame sunk rather quickly from so much as a simple step. He attempted to draw a crude map as he traveled and while units of measurements had far to go still, the scribbles he made seemed to have less streams than its modern-day version.


Artisans from the city will drop by to harvest resources needed for crafting, and there is no shortage of silt to be found. Youths on their tours will stock up on water and catch a few fish to smoke for rations. Freelanders have made efforts to make the delta more traversible by crafting pontoon bridges out of driftwood log and woven reeds that are anchored via stakes on solid ground in the middle of islets. These are not meant to support heavy weights and have to be replaced frequently, largely because kirya cattle seem to like eating the tethers...
Vthia's Tears
Myth | Aug 2, 2024

This far south, Vthia had no one to come to her rescue. The events that unfolded in the winding waterways are known only through Vthia's memoirs

Cover image: Winding White Delta Header by Mardrena


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