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Thunthen Meat Beer

Even dragons drink responsibly...   As much as Thunthen parolees in Bainshaebo love working the forges at Peirolyth, even they would get bored slaving away morning, noon, and night. The concept of fun is a very alien thing to the Dragon-Men, and when asked what could be provided to ease the tedium of their penance, they recommended something that is practically banned on the Homeworld. There is no shortage of offal and scrap meat from the lonesteads and the Pavilion, and while most of it goes to feed the local fyrhundi, enough leftovers remain for the local Thunthen to create the first batches of this bizarre beverage which would be first imbibed during the recent Blood Dawn Festival. The Obsidian Guard forbids its production and distribution on the grounds that it dilutes the Thunthen's natural ferocity and causes them to adopt more Human behaviors. Thunthen parolees have no problem indulging in a a frothy, fizzy mug of this concoction of blood and meat.


More refined versions of this beverage existed since before the heyday of the Anazhar Clan, but after the Dasphat Revolution and the rise of the Daggur Clan, Sur Daggur and his son Mal Daggur expressly forbade its continued production on the Homeworld, viewing it as an unnecessary pleasure and a path to decadence and excess. Even though Thunthen have no problem metabolizing this concoction and the inebriation period is relatively brief, in the eyes of the Obsidian Guard any minute not spent slaving away at wartime production is a minute wasted.  
Events of Cataclysm War
  Since the start of Mal Daggur's campaign against Planet Earth, Thunthen POW's have been sent to Thanged to serve penance under Eyurodin, the Lady of Flames. With the rare occasion of Thanged's Blood Dawn festival, local Thunthen are given free reign to wander the city and partake in the festivities. Kegs of this beverage are situated throughout the Pavilion but reserved explicitly for Thunthen use.  
One of the Nobeyls quaffed mug after mug of something Cye had only heard loosely described as “meat beer”. He leaned against the large keg and kept one hand on the spigot and laughed heartily while Azuro shook his head and chuckled to himself. Cye smirked, glad to see Azuro’s attitude towards Thunthen had cooled.
— Cataclysm War Ch. 15
Drunk at Dawn by Mardrena
Made with BlackInk
Cye blinked and glanced to the side when he heard the sudden shattering of ceramic. One of the Nobeyls had dropped his mug and stared at Cye wide-eyed in shock. The Nobeyl by the keg kept his mug under the spout but didn’t release the spigot, so his mug started overflowing.
— Cataclysm War Ch. 15


Much like Thangien moukiri, meat beer uses very much of a "kitchen soup" approach. The longer it ages, the better it tastes, but the inebriation effect is reduced. Depending on the discerning palate of a Nobeyl or Khamen, they might prefer an aged batch to wind down after a long day or a fresh batch to kick back and cut loose.

Components and tools

Even with the relative scarcity of hardwood available to Thangiens, enough was able to be spared to create kegs for the first few batches of meat beer. Due to the nature of the fermentation process, even with hefty sanitizing it is not recommended to use these kegs for anything other than additional batches. Ingredients can include anything from skirt meat, entrails, and cheek meat from kirya cattle and gizzards, neck meat, tail meat, and hearts from chamia hens.


Because its production had been so brutally suppressed on the Homeworld, very few Thunthen alive have any vintner experience much less those housed in Bainshaebo, so new batches involved somewhat of a trial-and-error process. Since no Thunthen ever had to visit the Traedeskaton after taste-testing, the resulting concoctions were deemed safe for imbibing.


Due to its very nature, it is NOT recommended for any other species besides Thunthen to quaff meat beer. Fyrhundi do not seem interested in lapping up spilt drops likely due to the high alcohol content. Thunthen suffer no ill effects, but were a Human to attempt to drink even small amounts whether as part of a dare or in jest, it could result in symptoms ranging from nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, explosive diarrhea, projectile vomiting, and/or death.
Planet Thunthen
Geographic Location | Jul 31, 2023

Seeping magma, jagged rocks, and sulfurous fumes cover the surface. Often compared to Jupiter's moon, Io.

Cover image: Meat Beer Header by Mardrena


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