Blueprints of first floating city

Origin of Floating Cities, final part

Once the first Floating platforms have been built and their designs started being improved, their engineers quickly realized that creating one that would never have to land would be possible. As long as the machine would be equipped with gear to harvest Yellow Color that they require to operate from the light of Urnketh's two suns. And so, a Smeltspark inventor got to work.  

Why a floating city?

As the years go by, thanks to the oversaturation, there's less and less land that's still capable of supporting any kind of uncorrupted land. This is caused by the usage of Color magic, Color-based weapons, Witchkilling, but mostly, the Witches. Without any known way to get rid of the oversaturation of the land, the only way to even settle anywhere in the future would be to reach for the skies. Especially since the Colors can't target a specific point of the sky to oversaturate and oversaturation visible in the air (though affecting only the particles floating within it) keeps close to the ground, never reaching higher than 1 kilometer above the surface.   And should tests prove successful, maybe people of the Urnketh could finally check for the existence of other continents of the planet without the fear of hallucinogenic Blue seas.
Manual, Technical / Blueprint
Press here to reveal secret message
"If we want to have any, and I mean any, chance to be free from the rule of the Witches, we need to make sure that these blueprints not only get spread around the world but that people will start to work on them. But watch out, some of the Witches already started working against us..."

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 30, 2024 00:26 by Marjorie Ariel

I love that you picked a blueprint for this! Is the strikethrough in blue because blue is color of truth and lies?

Aug 30, 2024 14:21

Yup, you got it!