Hands of the Divine

Gray Witchkiller, part 5

Surprisingly, when Ray got to the square in front of the Grand Temple, it was way less crowded than the main street. People were waiting for the March of their Goddess farther where they would have a better chance of being noticed by her. The only few people still at the square were some commoners hurrying up towards the street he has just left and a small group wearing white and gold robes. They had a small stall with various simple foods. There were a few people in old and torn clothes standing nearby with bowls of fresh soup.
One of the robed people approached Ray.
"Welcome, friend. You do not look like you come from here. Would you like to donate some money or anything spare for those in need? We could use some clothes, blankets, spare tools." The robed person walked at the same pace as Ray. Ray didn't answer them but he outstretched his hand towards them. What fell into robed person's hand was a few perfectly preserved Color Sheets. But before they were able to grasp the amount of money they just have received, Ray was away from them, closing the doors of Grand Temple behind himself.
  In contrast to the Choirs of the Divine that mostly focus on being noticed by the Goddess-Witch themself, Hands of the Divine work as an organization that helps others so that they can lead at least a somewhat decent lives. Lately, they've managed to spread out even to other cities though to mixed reception thanks to them being related to the Goddess-Witch in the first place. But no matter how hostile others are towards them, this group genuinely wants to help those in need.  

Method of operation

Hands of the Divine gain most of their resources through donations, be it in the form of cash or items that might help others. They opened a few canteens both in Sacra Magica and in other cities that they supply with ingredients they buy thanks to the donations, the donated food, or by volunteering to help at nearby farms with partial payment being the farm produces.
Those members who possess manual skills might create clothes and other practical things for those in need. There's even a rumor of a small construction team in one of the cities that helps make homes more livable for those who went through accidents and for the homeless by insulating them, getting rid of pests and mold, and generally cozying up the places.

"To help others see the light of Goddess"

Alternative Names
Healing hands (due to their logo),
The only good thing that came out of Sacra Magica (by those outside the city)
Pair of hands with golden eyes of Witch-Goddess on them and surrounded by her halo.

How it formed

According to the story told by the members of the group, back when the Witch-Goddess was still considered a normal person and hadn't revealed what she truly was to the people, she was traversing the streets of Genneth (Former name of Sacra Magica) when she encountered someone in an alley who was badly beaten and bleeding. She placed her hands on them and the air filled with red and golden light. Before the one in need realized, she was already gone, and all of their wounds were healed. When Witch-Goddess revealed herself to world later, that person was one of the first who formed the Hands of the Divine.

Cover image: by Revyera


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