Sacra Magica

Gray Witchkiller, part 2

Close to the gates of the city, Ray got off the wagon, said his goodbyes to the kind merchant who took him so far here, and stretched his bones. He was finally here, at Sacra Magica. Finding his target wouldn't be hard, it was the tallest building in the city, one right in the middle of it. The Great Temple. He moved forward, his boots stomping on the stone pathway.
A divine city of one and only Goddess-Witch and the goal of a pilgrimage for all of those who consider her to really be something divine. The city has been built in a crater on a mysterious hill right in the middle of it. Said hill makes it a naturally disadvantageous location to besiege.   There are multiple bigger and smaller shrines all around the cities, but the most impressive is the one right in the middle of the city, the main church where the Witch often resides and basks in the prayers and praise of her believers.


As he was going through the city streets, Ray noticed that everyone's eyes were incredibly Blue. He noted to himself that no one should eat the food here.
The only rule in the city is that of the Goddess-Witch and her priests and priestesses. Whatever she wants, happens. If she wanted a building destroyed because it didn't suit her vision, her wish would be done within the next hour. Most of the laws the inhabitants have to obey are related to their belief in her, obeying the rituals, and fulfilling her wishes. Interestingly, the laws that apply to tourists are way more lax than those related to the citizens.


The city is built on the base of a circle, with the main temple right in the middle of it. The closer one lives to the "splendor of the goddess", the more luxurious the district they are in. This can be easily seen as the buildings close to the outer gates are quite humble, but as one moves farther and farther into the city, they become more ornate and expensive. Most of the shops and workshops are stretched along the main roads for easier access (for the people of Goddess-Witch).
Alternative Name(s)
City of One Faith,
City of the Sacred and the Divine, the Bringer of Grace and Peace, One of Kindest Smile, the True Goddess-Witch
Inhabitant Demonym
Children of Goddess
Location under
Included Locations
Related Tradition (Primary)


Most of the money in the city comes from tourism and generous donations from the believers. It is said that most of those who decide to stay here for longer vacations become more open to the commandments and the faith of the Goddess-Witch, and some become so generous that they give away almost everything they have to the temple of the Goddess those needing the most. And while some decide to stay in the city to help the church help people, others return to their homes spreading the word of the wonders they have seen when visiting Sacra Magica.

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 31, 2024 16:35 by Elizabread

This is such a cool idea for a city, and it definitely leaves me wanting to know more about why I shouldn't eat the food here. The Goddess-Witch and her role in the city is also very intriguing, and I'll be curious to read more about her.

Check out my world Valtena!
Sep 2, 2024 12:06

Thank you very much! I'm happy to hear you liked it.