Rainbow Savior

Honey Saviors are incredibly rare flowers capable of curing Fading. Scientists tried to find many ways to get their seeds and spread them around Urnketh, potentially getting rid of that condition. However, any attempts to do so failed. It seems that the moment said flowers leave their natural habitat, they become completely sterile. Still, many different ways to do so were tried by scientists, mixing them with other plants among others. Thanks to one of those experiments, a new subspecies with completely unexpected properties was created.   Rainbow Saviors aren't capable of curing fading. Instead, they feed on and neutralize the oversaturation of the land, slowly returning the land to its natural state. For now, the flowers do it at the rate of cleansing a few centimeters of the land per year but with selective breeding, that trait might be made stronger.  

Rainbow saviors and the case of Gray Kingdom

Since the Gray is not really a Color, but a lack of one, Rainbow saviors are incapable of affecting it and die out like any normal plant that comes in contact with Gray. Not long after they were created, they were considered for clearing out or at least stopping the spread of the Gray Kingdom, however that idea failed completely.
Compared to honey saviors, their rainbow cousins are capable of multiplying anywhere as long as they have steady access to high concentrations of Colors. They spread to the infected areas and once they are cleansed, they die out, moving with the border of the oversaturated area.
Conservation status
Before their numbers are multiplied, destroying any of them is illegal.
Characteristic traits
Rainbow petals, with multicolored stripes on them. Three stamens are visible in the middle.

Cover image: by Revyera


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