Gray Kingdom

Over two hundred years ago, The Kingdom of Fimra lost all of its Colors, becoming a wasteland of Gray. Nothing lives there, the ground and buildings crumble away, and any rivers that float down there just stop. The water is still there, but it doesn't move. Or at least, all those things were still true a few years ago. For the last few years, as the numbers of Witchkiller beasts started to dwindle, the Grays, who normally should wander around searching out for them and killing them, started to gather there. There are reports of them building and crafting things that seem resistant to the decaying effects of the Gray and, what's even harder to believe, there are rumors of them planting seeds and tending to the ground.   But what is more alarming, it seems that the area affected by the Gray seems to slowly grow in size. As it could be expected, rulers of the neighboring countries are in a state of panic and focus all the research of their lands on a way to stop the spread of the Gray. They even offer high rewards for anyone who manages to find a way to do that.  


Not much is known about the Gray Kingdom. Staying in there while not being Gray is extremely dangerous and there are no suits or materials known to the people outside that would withstand the contact with so much Grayness, so the only things known about that region are the reports of the scouts just outside of it and what Grays living in there decide to tell when asked.
Previously known as
The Kingdom of Fimra
Included Locations
Related Materials

Groups of Grays

Ever since the Grays first showed up, they never gathered in groups. But here, they create their own communities and settlements. Once in a while, when a new Witchkiller beast appears somewhere in Urnketh, a group of them leaves the Gray Kingdom and travel together to hunt it down.   They have never done that. The Grays always hunted solo, never needing anyone else.  

Non-aging Grays

Another unusual thing is that normally, depending on their species, Grays don't live for too long. But here, it seems that this process is halted or at least really slowed down. It hasn't been long enough to know how big of a change it is, but normally shortest living Smeltsparks that came here in the first wave of Grays are still alive.

Cover image: by Revyera


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