Wreath of Heath

Gray Witchkiller, part 7

Gray mage entered the deeper parts of the Grand Temple. Golden Shields were already waiting for him here, their weapons pointed at him He managed to press something on his chest just a second before the first shot of a gunspear reached him. The projectile swerved and hit the stairs next to him. The arrow that flew just behind it did the same, this time going towards the ceiling. He jumped down the rest of the stairs and rushed towards his enemies. Two blades, one of a spear and one of a sword shot past him, trying to hit a target that wasn't there. His hand touched one of the white robes of the golden shields, draining it of Color and the White covered his fist. He swung it at one of the guards and additional arms grew out of it, hitting everyone nearby. The closest ones fell on those behind them, breaking their formation. Gray mage reshaped the White Color around his hand, creating a cube that trapped the guards inside.
Only a few steps more. He checked his little talisman. There were still some charges left.
A wreath of heath is a small protective metal talisman mostly used in combat. It takes the form of a 0.5 cm thick, flat metal band with flowers carved into it and two glass ampoules going through the middle of it. While the original ones were made to resemble heaths, the favorite flowers of its first recipient, other craftsmen carved different flowers or even completely different images on them. The two ampoules are made out of glass reinforced against the Colors. Each one of them contains specially prepared, mostly purified solutions of Colors, one Red and one Blue. Wreaths of heath come in different sizes, the smallest ones being only 1-2 cm in diameter while the largest ones ever crafted reached up to 30 cm in diameter.  

How to use it?

To use a wreath of heath, one just needs to wear it somewhere on them. It can be hidden within another piece of clothing, like a pocket, or can be made into a piece of jewelry, a signet, a necklace, or an earring. However, putting it into a container such as a bag, box, or backpack, neutralizes it. This can be used to store its charges or to gift it to another person without using it by accident. But as long as it is in some sort of contact with its owner and still has Colors within its glass ampoules, it will work.  

What it does?

Each of the two Colors closed in the Wreath's ampoules has its own use and gets used up differently. First, the Blue one. As a Color of sight but also of illusions. And so, it partially distorts the silhouette of anyone who decides to attack its owner, potentially turning what would be an almost sure hit, into a complete miss. To use this power, one needs to activate it by pressing the talisman.   On the other hand Red, the Color of safety and danger. Whenever anything tries to hit the wearer of the wreath, be it a projectile, a weapon, a living being, or an object, Color Red will bend its trajectory away from its wearer. The heavier or more powerful the diverted thing is, the more of the Color will be used up during the activation of this feature. The safety of everyone else around the original target is not guaranteed. This power is always active, as long as someone is still wearing the talisman.

Cover image: by Revyera


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