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Basic Information


Bothans are a short race of furry humanoids who on average stand between 1.5 meters to 1.6 meters in height. Bothans are covered in fur which shifts in response to their emotional state by way of gentle ripplings. They possess tapered pointed ears, and both males and females are known to sport beards.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Immediate Bothan families are organized into large clans, which are the most important social unit in Bothan society; family and clan loyalty are equally important as power accumulation. The Bothan Council, a representative body of selective Bothan clans, is the primary governing body of the Bothan people. Beginning with the Clone Wars and continuing after the fall of the Galactic Republic, the Council absorbed many of the Bothan political bodies, such as the Bothan Independent Treasury, seeing them as wasteful, corrupt and inefficient. Highly centralized, the Bothan Council governs all social, political, economic and security issues of Bothan life. The Bothan Diplomatic Corps was one of the few government organizations to survive the culling and was in fact expanded. The Diplomatic Corp operates as a branch of the Bothan government and holds the responsibility of furthering Bothan ideals through diplomacy.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Clan association is denoted as the last component in a Bothan name. For example, the name Girov Dza'tey would mean that Girov was his given name, Dza his family name and that he was of the Atey clan.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Bothese (Spoken) Botha (Written) Wrendui (Body) Galactic Basic Standard

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Bothan culture is guided by the philosophy and principles set forth in the ancient text known as The Way, written by Golm Fervse'dra. In this "Bothan Way", the pursuit of power and influence is paramount. Thus, individual Bothans put their own political and economic success above all other concerns, and as a species, Bothans put their own advancement ahead of other intergalactic interests. The volume of backstabbing, subtle character assassination and political manoeuvring in Bothan society is dizzying and has resulted in many species stereotyping Bothans as untrustworthy. In fact, most Bothans are habitually paranoid, believing that anyone who's not working with them, is working against them.


Their Bothan species evolved on the world of Bothawui and were known to have developed the technology to travel through the stars millennia ago whereupon they became long-standing members of the galactic community. The Bothans were members of the Galactic Republic from at least 4000 BBY, but likely from a significantly earlier point. In the millennia prior to the Great Sith War, the rapid expansion of hyperspace lanes led to a period of exploration. This saw the Bothans found their first colony of Kothlis along with a growing influence in the Galactic Senate. This era also saw the rapid growth of the Bothan Spynet where their agents were sent to newly discovered worlds that saw Bothawui becoming a hub for information. They were noted for being ever loyal allies to the Galactic Republic. However, Republic support was withdrawn from the long-standing allies as a result of the Treaty of Coruscant. The Bothans were said to have mastered the art of intelligence gathering as far back as 300 BBY, and began exploiting it for personal gain. A hundred years later, they made contact with the Dressellians; they recognized that species' potential and departed in order to allow them to evolve without interference. Through numerous conflicts, most notably the Galactic Civil War, the Bothans have remained officially neutral, although their famed Spynet has always played each side and commercial interests sought profits.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Bothans are able to interbreed with the other species. Such hybrids somewhat resemble baseline humans with haunches, hooves, fur, pointed ears and a long tail.
Scientific Name
Mammal, Humanoid
84 years
Average Height
1.4-1.5 meters
Geographic Distribution

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