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Bothawui is located in the centre of Bothan Space in the Mid Rim and is the fourth planet from the star Both in the Both system of the Mid Rim region of the galaxy. It is also within the region known as the Slice, situated at the junction of four major hyperlanes, including the Bothan Run, the Kaaga Run, the Reena Trade Route, and the Manda Merchant Route.





9,000 km


Type I (breathable)





Primary terrain

  • Plains
  • Mountains
  • Forests
  • Urban
  • Surface water
  • Oceans
  • Ice caps

Ecosystem Cycles

Bothawui has a day that lasts 27 standard hours and a year that consists of 351 local days. Due to a slight wobble in its axial plain, Bothawui experiences numerous small ice ages, which expand and retract across the planet's higher latitudes in seventy-year cycles.

Fauna & Flora

  • Ak
  • Bok
  • Bothan sky dragon
  • Ganjuko
  • Halkra
  • Krak'jya
  • Krusk
  • Radark
  • Ral
  • Salar
  • Sez
  • Skalworm
  • Skar'kla

Natural Resources



A cosmopolitan planet, Bothawui is the homeworld of the Bothan race as well as a major hub for information trafficking. It is also the centre of the Bothan Spynet, widely agreed upon to be the best network of information gathering in the galaxy. The Imperial name for the planet is Bothawui Proper. A major trade world, Bothawui is the centre of the trade of technology in its sector and is the home of many trade houses and megacorporations while also boasting strong shipping, communication, and transportation industries. The industrial centre and Bothan colony of Kothlis, which is only a few light-years away from Bothawui, support Bothawui's technology trade. Bothawui's tax rates, combined with minimal bureaucratic regulations, have enticed many galactic concerns into maintaining satellite offices on the planet, and establishing a new business on Bothawui is a simple process.   Assassinations, espionage, and sabotage are as commonplace on Bothawui as debates and typical legislation are on other worlds, and the Bothan Spynet has developed into the foremost information-gathering network in the galaxy due to the suspicious and treacherous nature of life on Bothawui. Espionage represents an unofficial industry on Bothawui, with spies from industries, governments, trade organizations, and crime lords travelling to the world to collect intelligence for their employers. Bothawui is considered an industrial world and possesses a reputation as a neutral ground for trade arrangements, diplomatic negotiations, and information-gathering operations.   Bothawui is governed by the Bothan Council, in which 18 council members represent the nation-states of Bothawui. The Bothan Council is based on Bothawui along with various ministries that regulate commerce and government in Bothawui's colonies. On Bothawui, strict policies restrict the use and ownership of lethal weapons, and special permits issued by the Bothan Council are required to possess blasters or explosive ordinance. Bothawui lacks an independent navy but possesses advanced planetary shields and a large, well-equipped civil defence army. The defence grid features numerous backup systems and redundancies.   The Bothans negotiated limited neutrality for Bothawui when the Galactic Empire came to power. Bothawui is technically part of the Empire and until recently enjoyed representation in the Imperial Senate, and the world and its colonies are left relatively free from Imperial tyranny. Imperial involvement in the planet's economy is minimal, with the Empire's presence consisting mostly of a small consulate and routine patrol sweeps conducted by the sector fleet. Under Imperial rule, Bothawui, though somewhat marginalized, remains a quiet and content world.
Alternative Name(s)
Bothawui Proper
Inhabiting Species

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