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Chief TaNook & Sons

Chief TaNook

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Overweight but still looks very strong.

Body Features

Four arms. Antennae.

Physical quirks

Clicks and chirps during speech.

Apparel & Accessories

A simple crown made from metal ore.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chief TaNook is the leader of a tribe of the insectoid Cholaa species on the planet Jhako. A large, haughty unpleasant individual, he is highly respected by his people. He fathered at least three sons: ChikTa, KokTa, and SaapTa. In late 1 BBY, Imperials set up a comms facility on a high hill overlooking the tribe's village, TaNook sent his sons out to investigate. Only ChikTa returned. He feared the imperials were too strong to fight.   In 0 ABY a squad of rebels from the 31st Regiment, Echo Company arrived on Jhako with the intent of destroying the comms facility. They met with Chief TaNook who allowed his son ChikTa to guide the squad up to the facility. During the squad's trek it was revealed that ChikTa was a traitor who had aligned himself with the Imperials with the promise of good treatment and weapons. ChikTa hoped to use these weapons and Imperial support to overthrow and eat his father. However, when ChikTa and several Cholaa hunter allies of his attacked the squad, he was swiftly killed. During the squad's attack on the facility, the squad found and rescued KokTa and SaapTa, who had been betrayed by their brother.   On returning to the village with his sons, Chief TaNook praised the rebel squad, and after some negotiations by Private Kesc Gifl'el, agreed his people would grant what assistance they could to the rebellion. He would order his people to take over the now cleared base and commandeer as many weapons as possible.

Failures & Embarrassments

His son ChikTa acting so badly. But not that he did it. That he failed. Failure is weak.
Current Location
Current Residence
Cholaa Village
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green Carapace
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You would be very tasty"
  • Said to members of Echo Company Squad
  • Belief/Deity
    Cholaa Hunt Gods
    Known Languages
    • Basic (simple)
    • Cholaa

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