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Farstone is a barren world home to massive canyons, towering mountain ranges, and spectacular rock formations. In the planet's primordial past, massive rock chimneys served as vents for the geothermal heat deep within the world's core. As the world evolved, many of these vents went dormant, but the tunnels remained. Today these tunnels connect the cave complexes deep underground and are large enough for many starships, allowing access to the Rebel base.     THE GAUNTLET  
The main entrance to the Rebel base is a large canyon known as the Gauntlet. The canyon is filled with rock spires, hairpin turns, and other hazards that make accessing the main hangar a challenging affair for all but the most skilled pilots. The Alliance has established a specialized computer-slaving system that can direct ships into the hangar safely, helping to protect the base even further. Any ship approaching the base without a slave circuit to take advantage of the computer-guided control must be prepared for a harrowing flight.

Localized Phenomena

The planet's rock formations contain many compounds that mask energy readings, providing security from the sensors of any passing ships, but they also interfere with outgoing sensor scans.


Farstone is a dry, arid planet.

Fauna & Flora


DORAN'ENOKS   Thousands of years ago, a race of winged reptilian creatures with limited intellect populated Farstone, inhabiting vast cave complexes and warrens under the surface of the planet. The creatures lived in tribes and warred with one another for supremacy of prime hunting grounds. The doran'enoks, as they were known to the ancient Sith, were often hunted and captured to serve as shock troops in the Sith armies. Almost all traces of the doran'enoks vanished from Farstone during the height of the Sith Wars against the Republic, and the creatures have not been seen in years.


Featuring soaring mountain ranges, Farstone was sparsely populated and was at one point a mining colony, but was eventually abandoned, although nominally remaining under the control of the aristocratic Ancient Houses of the Senex-Juvex.   A group of rebels came to Farstone several years ago. The natural cave complexes located on Farstone were perfect for establishing a base of operations to strike at the Empire. They used the natural caves and tunnels scattered across the planet to create hidden hangar bays and defensive fortifications.  Up until recently, the world was mostly inhabited solely by fugitives, hermits, and sociopaths. The increased number of ships coming and going in the system has some in the Alliance High Command worried of exposing the base.
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