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Farstone Base

Purpose / Function

As it's HQ, Farstone base was the nerve centre of the Rebellion's 13th Division. From here, the entire strategy of the division was decided upon and put into action. It was also the hub of supply and requisition for every regiment in the division.


The Rebel complex was located deep underground, taking advantage of the planet's sprawling natural caverns and tunnels.   The base consisted of a large central cavern (nearly two kilometres across) and many smaller offshoots that ring the main cave. The central cavern housed the hangar bays and vehicle facilities of the base as well as numerous buildings that were erected inside. These pre-fabricated structures served as repair bays, a mess hall, training grounds, and more. Lighting was placed along the walls and ceilings of the cave, providing a great deal of illumination for the complex.   In the smaller chambers that surrounded the central cavern, the Alliance used the natural formations and tunnels to create habitat areas, Command and Control, briefing rooms, and medbays. The entire facility maintained a constant, natural temperature thanks to the geothermal vents that lined the caves and the natural insulation from the outside.   ACCESSING THE BASE   The natural tunnels that lead into and out of the central cavern were widened by Alliance engineers to provide access for ships up to silhouette 4. Any ships above this size could not reasonably navigate the Gauntlet to gain access to the hangar. The Rebels maintained a transport hangar deep below the base that opened to another canyon. This second hangar housed the larger Rebel ships such as GR-75 transports and other heavy craft. The entrance to the tunnels leading to this hangar was cleverly disguised with holo-emitters, masking the entrance as another rock outcropping.  


Across the base, the Alliance utilised the extensive cave network connected to the Gauntlet to create a variety of different rooms. The base centred around the main hangar, with rock-hewn corridors leading east toward the habitat, mess hall, auxiliary hangar bay, medbay, and Command and Control. The C&C connected to the armoury, which was connected to the main hangar by a turbolift. Day-to-day life around the base was carried out in these varied stations.  
  MAIN HANGAR   The largest area of the base, the main hangar served as a central "hub" leading toward most other areas of the complex. The hangar was constantly bustling with activity at all hours of the day and night.   The two-kilometre central hangar was the largest area in the base, housing all of the Alliance's starfighters, freighters, and smaller transports. The hangar was divided up into four distinct bays dedicated to different functions. Tools, diagnostic systems, spare parts, and similar items were kept in two of the bays dedicated to ship repair. A third bay contained repair bays for droids, while the fourth acted as storage for ship parts and material.   The number of ships housed here varied; numerous vehicles were often dispatched on missions and patrols.   HABITAT AREA   The habitation area of the base was a comfortable yet sparse location filled with off-duty operatives, pilots, and soldiers. On any given day, this area was calm and relaxed, a far cry from the rest of the base. The centralized common areas were home to various holo-tables, monitors, and other entertainment devices all being enjoyed by Rebels looking for some much-needed rest.   When not traversing the galaxy on life or death missions, the Rebels of Farstone were housed in the habitat area of the facility. This large cave structure was located to the north of the main hangar. In the centre of the habitat area were the common areas, which were surrounded by the dormitories for the rank-and-file and dozens of single-occupancy rooms for officers and commanders. The austere accommodations elicited few complaints, though, as each member knew that what they fight for is more important than personal comfort.   In between the scheduled mealtimes, the mess hall served as a hangout where games of sabacc and chance cubes help pass the time between missions. Music plays, drinks flowed, and laughter filled the room. Off-duty Alliance members spent their time dreaming of a free galaxy and trying to forget the horrors they witnessed in their struggles.   MESS HALL   Even with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance, it is crucial for Rebels to have a place to rest and relax between missions. The mess hall also served as a lounge between meals; it was open every day from dawn until well past midnight. These hours were stretched many days, though the base commanders frowned upon this practice, preferring the Rebels not spend so much time engaged in drink when the Empire could be upon them at any time. The mess hall space was filled by four large U-shaped tables and dozens of stackable chairs, cafeteria-style. The food-serving counter was converted into a bar at night where Alliance soldiers could enjoy a cold or stiff drink. The bartender was Urel Haydon.   MEDBAY   There was a serene and comforting atmosphere to the room, providing rest and relaxation for those recovering from their wounds. Missions for the Alliance are hazardous affairs, and the medbay was an active location. The medical staff on Farstone were very skilled in their jobs. Dr. Lorren Morrick headed the medical staff for the base.   COMMAND & CONTROL (C&C)   Multiple passages throughout the complex lead to the base's Command and Control centre. Dozens of map boards highlighting various galaxy sectors. Imperial troop movements, fleet strengths, and other information were arrayed around the room. A large holo-table dominated the centre of the room, surrounded by Alliance tacticians at all times. The table displayed real-time data from dozens of Rebel listening posts scattered across the Outer Rim.   The command staff had a rotating duty roster so that one of the three senior commanders was always present in C&C.   ARMOURY   The Alliance works endlessly to gain new resources in weapons and other munitions, and what they are able to secure is heavily guarded at all times. Weapons are the lifeblood of their struggle against the Empire, and without them, their chances would be nonexistent. The armoury was connected to the main hangar by personnel corridors and a large turbo lift for ordnance and other large cargo.   Housed within this area—accessible to only the highest-ranking members of the Alliance unless the master-at-arms is present—were racks of blasters and blaster rifles, grenades, power packs, thermal detonators, and much more. Large-scale weapons such as missiles and proton torpedoes were housed in their own area behind an additional level of security. Biometric scanners were installed and two Rebel soldiers were stationed at the entrance of the heavy weapons depot at all hours.   The quartermaster for the base was a friendly and outgoing Verpine going by the moniker Clik.   AUXILLARY HANGAR   Continuing north from the mess hall was a secondary hangar where freighters, cargo containers, and other non-military supplies used for the base were stored. A small circular docking bay extended out into the canyon. It was about 50 meters wide, with reddish-purple dust collecting in drifts around the bases of the two light freighters docked on its edge.   By keeping the military side of the base separate, the Rebels also concealed their true numbers from smugglers (and possible spies) that stopped over.


The various minerals and ores found throughout the rock strata provided protection from orbital surveys due to the interference they caused. Scattered observation towers, camouflaged to mimic the surrounding environment, dotted the planet's surface. These towers maintained watch over the landscapes surrounding the base, always vigilant for signs of Imperial probes or scouts.   Weapon turrets guarded all entrances to the base.


In 0 ABY, a squad from Echo Company 31st Regiment arrived at Farstone base with the purpose of rooting out a potential mole in the Division.  


A triumvirate rules over Farstone base and has done so for the base's entire existence. General Ran Niall, Senior Advisor Setenna Hase, and Colonel Danel Qurno are the ranking Alliance members on Farstone and have all been with 13th Division resistance since it began. Senior Advisor Hase is the civilian and political leader, while General Niall oversees broad military strategy and the Division's Rebel starfleet. Finally, Colonel Qurno organizes the ground and special forces.  

Imperial Attack and Destruction

In 0 ABY, Imperial forces attacked Farstone Base with an overwhelming force of ground troops, AT-ATs, AT-STs, and spacecraft. One of the units was led by the notorious Imperial officer, Captain Balrekk. Though the rebels put on a brave defence, including the demolition of explosives to collapse the canyon on the Imperial vehicles, it was a lost cause. However, the Empire's victory was somewhat pyrrhic as not only did many of the rebels successfully evacuate, the base (with all its secrets) was destroyed with many sandtroopers still inside.
Founding Date
-2 BBY
Alternative Names
13th HQ
Military base / complex
Parent Location
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Vehicles Present
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Related Report (Primary Locations)

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