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Basic Information


In addition to natural evolution, the Shistavanen species was shaped by unknown genetic engineers. Like many lupine species, Shistavanen have pronounced muzzles, sharp claws, long pointed teeth, and pointed ears set on top of their heads. Shistavanen also possess large glowing eyes, and can also run at high speeds for long periods without getting tired, alternately using two or four limbs.

Biological Traits

  • Lupine appearance
  • Enhanced senses
  • Increased speed
  • Increased strength

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Long pointed teeth and pointed ears.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As predators, Shistavanen possess keen senses of hearing and smell, and excellent night vision.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Shistavanen (native)
  • Basic

Culture and Cultural Heritage

As a species, the Shistavanen are isolationists. This was made evident by the species colonizing all the unpopulated worlds in the Uvena system to prevent them from being settled by non-Shistavanen, their restrictive trade laws (which are unapologetic in how they favour their own kind over off-world traders), and the fact that they do not often mix with other species. Many other species react badly to Shistavanen, since their isolationist culture makes them an unfamiliar sight, and their predatory appearance puts other species on edge. Most of their society uses technology similar to the rest of the galaxy, though some parts of Uvena Prime use slightly less sophisticated technology.   A minority of Shistavanen are more outgoing and travel the galaxy's hyperlanes. Even these Shistavanen usually remain by themselves or with other Shistavanen. Due to their natural predatory instincts, Shistavanen commonly find employment as scouts, mercenaries and bounty hunters. Despite the Empire's xenophobia towards non-Humans, Imperial agents regularly employ Shistavanen scouts to track down criminals, rebels, and other persons of interest.


The Galactic Empire took control of Uvena Prime, which outraged many of the planet's Shistavanen inhabitants. The Empire has taken little interest in Uvena Prime outside of basic maintenance of their rule.
Scientific Name
Lupine mammalian
96 years
Average Height
1.8 meters
Average Weight
60 kilograms
Geographic Distribution

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