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Uvena Prime


Uvena Prime, or Uvena I, was the home planet of the Shistavanens in the Uvena system.  





  • Warm
  • Primary terrain
  • Forested continents
  • Surface water
  • Oceans


Uvena Prime is the homeworld of the Shistavanens, a sentient species of fur-covered bipeds. Shistavanens are naturally isolationist and distrust outsiders, resulting in cautious relationships with other political bodies. Most Shistavanens remain on their homeworld, though some travel away from Uvena Prime to seek fortune in the galaxy. Members of the species have a family-centric life, and several generations of an extended family are often clustered around a central residence. Shistavanens are keen hunters and fighters, possessing numerous wilderness skills even if they dwell in cities.   The Uvena system's ruling powers use Shistavanen isolationist behaviour, combined with the species' reputation due to their appearance and frequent aggressiveness, to deter outsiders from involvement in Shistavanen society. While outsiders are generally not welcome on Uvena, powerful individuals such as traders and corporations are tolerated to improve the economy and for the importation of goods and technology, but local trade rules favour Shistavanen traders as much as possible.    The Galactic Empire took control of Uvena Prime, which outraged many of the planet's Shistavanen inhabitants. The Empire has taken little interest in Uvena Prime outside of basic maintenance of their rule. Under the Empire's control, isolated settlements are often sought out and patrolled by Imperial scouts to ensure no insurrection occurs.
Alternative Name(s)
Uvena I
Inhabiting Species

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